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About jangalang

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. jangalang

    You are dead, but cannot respawn !

    Having the same problem. Can't click respawn.
  2. Title says it all. I've been looking for a group for quite a while that is ACTIVE and plays Day Zero and Overwatch, amongst other things of course. Those being the primary mods. Either PM me your Teamspeak information, or post it here in the thread. Please no underage gamers, 18+ and ACTIVE. Thanks for your time!
  3. Hello, My name is Jangalang and I am looking for a group to play DayZ with. I play a wide variety of DayZ mods such as Origin, Breaking Point, Day Zero, and Overwatch. I love to record and upload my gameplay to Youtube (JangPlaysGames, if you wish to see some of my content.) Anyway, below will be an application of my skills and what I am looking for in a group. Name: Jangalang Age: 19 years old. DayZ Experience: I've been playing DayZ since it's release and I'm very tactical and love epic firefights. What I'm looking for: I'm looking a group of MATURE gamers. Ones who love the game, and are well versed in how to play. I'm interesting in more of tighter knit compact group. I don't want a Teamspeak channel with 20 people in it trying to all talk at once. I like to get into a group, and get things done. I'm not a humorless hardass who takes the game to seriously, but I do like to win and live and I have fun playing with an elite group of people by me. Contact info: Skype - JangPlaysGames YouTube - JangPlaysGames Feel free to PM or reply to this thread. Thanks for reading. -Jangalang
  4. TeamSpeak Name: JangalangSteam Name.(Optional): JangalangWhy we should recruit you: I'm very well versed in DayZ, Arma 2, and Arma 3. I know the maps, how to range targets, and the ins and outs of cities. I'm adaptable ;)Age: 19Location: California, US.Expericence playing DayZ: Since it's release date.Give an Honest rating of your self: 10. I'm very tactical and aggressivePS: The Teamspeak server is unavailable.
  5. jangalang


    Thanks for posting! Your post is being evaluated.
  6. jangalang


    This group is still open to join! If you're interested, post here or PM me!
  7. Do you stream? Have a YouTube channel where you upload videos regularly? Are bored and frustrated of playing with randoms and what some solid teammates who have the same interests that you do? Well, I thought a nifty little way to try to solve these issues! > In March I started a YouTube channel featuring ARMA 2, and ARMA 3 (DayZ Mod), amongst other games.. I found that while playing solo was fun, I really wanted a group of people to play with. But, not just ANY old group. I envisioned a group of gamers coming and playing together who all had dreams, aspirations, and goals to be successful YouTuber's and streamers, and to bring great action packed and interesting videos for people to watch! I wanted to have a group of gamers who had fun playing together and could capture those moments of action, or laughs, or anything really, and make a great video from it all. You see a lot of these "big YouTube" and "big streamers" and their squads or groups and you think, "Hey, I would like be apart of something like that!" AND YOU CAN! Everyone has to start somewhere, and popularity does not come overnight! In conclusion, I wanted to make this thread just to see if there is anyone out there who has these same feelings and aspirations. I'm am going to be playing and recording DayZ, BF3 and soon BF4, ARMA 3, DayZ SA, Warframe, etc.. If any of what I said has interested you and you want to join me, feel free to copy this template and fill it in. I'll reply to each and every person via PM. Name: Age: YouTube channel: Goals for your channel: I do have only a few requirements for those who are serious about joining me! > NO ONE under the age of 18. > Please have good working equipment. ( Mic, computer, headphones, etc.) > Be able to produce quality videos in 720p or higher, with decent resolution. > Enjoy what you're doing. My YouTube channel: JangPlaysGames
  8. jangalang

    Day Z Videos

  9. jangalang

    Breaking Point - TAZE ME MORE!

    It's like playing DayZ for the first time all over again!
  10. 13:11 for those itchy for action. Enjoy.
  11. Jang here. I've been lone wolfing for a while now playing Breaking Point. I'm now looking to join a very experienced, fun, and stable clan/group/squad that play Breaking Point! I've played DayZ since release and I have great knowledge of Chernarus, tactics, and I play smart. If you have a group that you think would be a good fit for me, reply to this thread with your information, private message me, or send me a private message on my YouTube channel: JangPlaysGames Thanks for reading this thread and happy gaming :)
  12. jangalang


    -STILL RECRUITING- Although we are a DayZ/ARMA 2 squad, we are now heavily involved in ARMA 3. Primarily the Wasteland mod. If you wish to join us, follow the information above!
  13. Do you play ARMA 3/DayZ? Our clan offers you an organized and mature group of players to game with! Looking for a long standing clan that has experience and does weekly events, tournaments, and faction wars!? That's us! Are you a gamer who likes to record your game-play for YouTube? Great! We have our own clan YouTube channel as well as many members who record on a regular basis, myself included! In our clan, organization and giving players a place to come, conversate, and game is our utmost priority. We welcome new players and veteran players alike to come and join us! All genders, races, and personalities are welcome. If you wish to learn more about us, visit: www.bsbnetwork.com or visit our Mumble channel at: eu2.voice.enjin.com:64278 Last but not least! Our clan is planning for our next FACTION WAR. The war will take place on March 31, at 8pm (GMT) The faction war description is as follows: THE CONVOY: A convoy of vehicles belonging to Scorpions are travelling around the map. Ravens (LW & PMCs) must stop it!