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About Skinup69

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  1. Skinup69

    Should this be called fun?

    It's fun, don't matter if its scary or not. You can find fun in anything...that's why the world is a sick place!
  2. I think it does. The mod feels like a used old toy compared to Standalone.
  3. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Ban this fool I got fucking banned for a week for calling some guy an idiot on here. Yet he's calling people scum...ya ok.
  4. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    I think it's time you admins ban these people that start these pointless topics. If your admin and you see what this noob is writing you should know its a troll topic. So you could end it before it even starts.
  5. Skinup69

    My Experience So Far on "Hardcore" Servers

    Bout as hardcore as a floppy penis. I think all these noobs talking about 1st person have never played a good online FPS before lol It takes hours to get into a good PVP battle after looting. So having a tiny % of PVP in 1st person mode after looting for hours...don't make sense. You guys talk like its the only way to go...when I say PVP is a tiny % of DayZ. Looting, talking, messing about or helping players is more enjoyable on 3rd because this isn't a rear PVP game.
  6. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    No they have to be looking at you first if that was to happen. Plus don't be camping in a shit spot if that thing is happening too you. You sound like you camp in 1st person servers if your gonna talk like this.
  7. Skinup69

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Wow the guy thinks a view is a hack! Go back to ya moms fanny where you can grow your brain before your born again.
  8. Skinup69

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    You were born sooo..
  9. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    So the forum admins don't bans idiot wannab like ya self for trolling people with dumb ass topics like this? Nice work admins.
  10. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Bullshit you were on CS, if you were you wouldn't be talking like an absolute noob about DayZ being a hardcore FPS. If anything you couldn't hit a headshot if the guy was in front of you.
  11. Skinup69

    invisible objects blocking bullets

    I've had that happen when prone, one of the worst/dumbest things I've had happen before.
  12. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Funny how 95% of DayZ players are 3rd person players...yet they don't piss and moan like these wannab elite players that play on 1st person servers. Troll all you want but u answer to counter trolls soo
  13. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    The only tool round here is you. Go play a real FPS and you get ur DayZ noob ass handed to ya. DayZ is far from your elite shooter as u can get.
  14. Skinup69

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Bout as hardcore as a floppy penis really.
  15. Skinup69

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    We need cars to fix it!! That was a massive part of the original DayZ mod back in the day. Having a fixed up car was very rare back then.