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About kazeen

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. kazeen

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    At what point will you be working on fixing zombies? They seem to have gotten worse. Hitting from outside buildings and 10ft away..
  2. kazeen

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Dead people with guns generally equal ammo
  3. kazeen

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    You have a point also. Anyways cannot have pve servers till the private hives/servers are made. Or you could just run around on a pve server gearing up and ghosting into a pvp server killing people and going back to the pve server if you are outmatched. Or using it to get a better position on the people you are fighting on the pvp server.
  4. kazeen

    Street Sign Need English Name and Why

    The way people talk to each other on forums nowadays no wonder we have so much KOS ingame...
  5. kazeen

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    It is not a pve game...
  6. kazeen

    Can I carry 2 guns

    Yeah like the others have said you can do it. You will drop the one in your hands if switch to using anything else. Have a mosin on my back m4 in my hands 357 in the chest holster and pistol in my backpack.
  7. kazeen

    Please for the love of god don't add "Sanity."

    Do not really know what this thread is about but i do this is not twiiter so # does nothing here.
  8. Miss the tents and cooking. I kinda like that loot does not respawn think it makes it more of a challenge. Being able to loot farm from the mod made it rather easy. Do not miss the zig zag zombies, the new ones are a small improvement but still need work.
  9. Part of this is already ingame. Friends tab at the top will show what server your steam friends are on.
  10. kazeen

    Dayz is unplayable right now

    I thought they had warnings about Dayz getting ddos yesterday?
  11. kazeen

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Kenya Sprint + Auto Run...
  12. kazeen

    Looking for a small dedicated squad

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161798-quick-tip-for-anyone-logging-into-any-server/#entry1629034 Spamming multiple threads because of that....
  13. It is now http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5527
  14. Before you connect to the server, bottom right of the screen says add to favorites. Not sure if it is working though.
  15. kazeen

    HARDCORE - 3PP:OFF server/tactics/general

    The reason why i played on servers with 3rd person on in the mod was because of vehicles. Way to many small things that if you did drive threw just right would take a tire. Or if you hit one of the Kamikaze bunnies your vehicle would blow.