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Everything posted by Dustfallen

  1. I guess mine would be playing for over a week cautiously and safely. Living in the wilderness, hitting the outer towns. All tools except the radio. And be one of the first to discover the crashed helicopter bug. To be fair rocket did offer re-life's for the first few of us, but I figured it's alpha, live and learn. :) Really miss my GPS though.
  2. Dustfallen

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    LoL honestly, I would like to see some graffiti of "killroy wuz here" pasted on buildings following his path in his videos. That would be a great tribute. :)
  3. Dustfallen

    SVD Camo legit?

    Yeah definitely legit. I found one before all the hacker stuff. But never did find any damned ammo for it.
  4. Dustfallen

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    Dslyecxi! Haha, awesome. Yeah Killroy's vids brought me here. And this here man was the co-star! His vids not only brought me here, but got me to buy arma 2 and Operation:arrowhead to play it.
  5. Dustfallen

    Walked into Floor

    Not sure if this is a mod thing or an ARMA 2 thing, but figured I would let you know. Date/Time: 5/10/12 20:15:00 EST What happened: Got stuck on small stairs that were slightly above terrain, used 'V' to step over onto them but instead stepped over them and INTO the floor. The floor was above my knees. I immediately passed out bleeding. Embarassed to say that I alt-f4'd, but I did. Upon logging in i was still in the floor, but was able to bandage myself and use 'V' again and it stepped me up onto the floor. Where you were: I think i was in Gvozdno. It was the red brick enterable building with the Archway entrances. With the stairs that lead up to a closed door. What you were doing: Trying to go up the stairs. *Current installed version: 1.5.6 *Server(s) you were on: I think I was on Atlanta 2 *Your system specs: Good enough for high, but don't run that high. But using a radeon 7750 vid card *Timeline of events before/after error: Do not believe this is relevant.
  6. Dustfallen

    Spawn protection?

    I believe this issue has to do with how rocket implemented spawning. That is you are put into a temporary body in the spawn area, and then moved into your body once the information is loaded on gear, location, etc. I accidentally wandered into the spawning area yesterday just after spawning, and saw a bandit on the ground prone with no backpack. So I unloaded a clip into him. Thought it was strange at first, then i turned and saw another guy just standing there staring at me. I freaked and shot him in the head. No gear. Then I saw more pop up and disappear around me. That's when I figured out where I was. But if someone evil player actually knows where that exact spot is, I believe they can kill you before you finish spawning. Not sure if this is how you died, or even if when you die at that point you die and are not ressurected when your normal information loads. But it is dangerous indeed.
  7. Dustfallen

    Character number

    Unfortunately, the easiest way I have found is to keep track of your zombie kills and look it up that way, as that stat is up to date.
  8. Surviving in the post zombie apocalypse is turning out to be quite a dangerous endeavor. Who can you trust to be at your back? Can you even trust anyone at your back? The cities are dangerous, and any other survivor you see the chances seem higher than not that they will try to put a bullet into you for your hard earned compass and map. The Legacy of Survival is something I have been partaking in since roughly into my second day of playing DayZ. I bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "get lost." I live on the fringes of the forest, away from all of the cities and other survivors. I weed my way through the thicket, stopping every so often to double check if I am being trailed. I have seen the edges of the map on all sides, well other than the ocean side, I didn't have enough gas on that boat. Basically I'm looking for one to two other people interested in finding others that look out for them as well as themselves. Who want to find people they can trust in a world full of bandits, trigger fingers, and backstabbing. People who are fine with leaving the cities fairly well alone, and hunt zombies on the outer edges. My goal is to reach the 999 cap zombie kills without a single murder or bandit kill. To find companions trustworthy enough to hunt for meat when you are so wounded everything is blurry and pulsating and bring it back to you. If you die, companions that will make their way to you though the forest and help get you safely away until you can gather gear again. If any of this sounds interesting please let me know. I play EST usually from around 5:30pm until 10:30pm on weekdays, much more on weekends. I have a vent server as well, which is a requirement. Communication unheard by the server is simply a must to survive. I usually play on NY1-4, and my username is -=LoS=-Dresden Thanks for your time in reading this.
  9. Dustfallen


    I believe you only need the entrenching tool for sandbags. But unfortunately a helicopter bug killed me last night after finally finding some sandbags and being able to test that lol.
  10. Dustfallen

    Attention! Suicide helicopter wrecks!

    Rocket, It's nice of you to offer to replace gear etc. You might notice there is a thread about this also in the bug forums I posted in last night. But this is alpha man, we are here to find these types of bugs for you. I also lost quite a bit of gear (miss my gps the most), and a character i have played for over a week. But i expect that in an alpha phase. We find the bugs for you, and you can fix 'em. No stress. :)
  11. Dustfallen

    Crashed Helicopter kills upon entering.

    Yup just throwing my confirmation in here as well. Was the gunner side i entered, and instant death
  12. Ok, so this came up between myself and the guy I play with last night. He is a veteran of ARMA 2 itself, and I had mentioned I wished there was a way to make map notes for myself, and he told me there was. If you switch to the vehicle chat channel, and you are not currently in a vehicle, the map notes you make will be visible to yourself only. It seems to be a coding thing within ARMA 2 itself. But in any case, for all of you others out there that wished they could keep notes for yourself, now you can.
  13. Dustfallen

    How to Make personal map notes

    No it's for real. I was glad to learn it, and figured I would share is all.
  14. Well based on Rocket's stream, He is very interested in keeping this a player driven game. Scripting only being initiated in a neutral way so that the players can decide how to interact with it. So let's see what kind of ideas we can come up with that keeps this a player driven game. One thing I thought of is something along the lines of a sound dampening device. Basically a device that can be setup that will stop the spawning of zombies within a small radius. But this device is destroyable by both players and zombies. Perhaps it runs on gas or the like so that it would need to be continually refilled in some way. This would let people actually take over towns, but only if they worked together. While it would also let other players destroy those devices. Perhaps when one is destroyed the zombie respawn is increased for a period of time. It would also either stop or severely slow down item spawn rates. Another was rare random spawns of military NPC's that would attack a city or town and take out both zombies and players. Perhaps people with radio's could overhear chatter about cleansing "the zone". Perhaps they would come in on a chopper or a plane and land at an airfield and move out across the map towards their destination. I guess this is more of an event rather than a player driven thing, but it would be one of the few times that players would almost be forced to work together. Perhaps their goal is to setup a bomb that will obliterate everyone still alive in the zone if they aren't stopped. In any case, let's roll some ideas.
  15. Rocket, Was very interesting watching you on stream, love hearing your views. I did want to say based on that, please let us know if you want us to test anything in particular a bit more than we are currently. I think the community as a whole is willing to work with you as most of us here love your work on this mod, and are extremely appreciative that you do as much as you do. Since we are the ones bashing in servers to play every single day, lol, I also know we would be happy to concentrate on anything specific as well that you may want from us. Use us, good sir. We all want to help in any way we can.
  16. Dustfallen

    IF this was an actual game...

    I'd like to see game purchase no monthly fee. But with a vanity item shop (camo, gun skins etc.) Studio or Indie developer. Kickstarter is good.
  17. I'm just curious how the leaderboard gains it's data? I was actually surprised that I am not in the list. Do they reset with each update? Do they only take into account things that happened in one play session? Or on one server? Are only certain servers reporting? My current character has been alive now for I imagine well over 10 hours of playtime. But I can scroll way through the list down to 5 hours and not see myself there. EDIT: Just found myself in the kills section, and was able to click my character, it says alive for 2h 50m. So now I am even more curious exactly how the data is recorded, as I know i've been alive for hours longer than that. As a note the kills section is up to date, so found myself easily. Odd.
  18. I believe around 5k you go straight to black and white but clear
  19. Dustfallen

    How do the leaderboards gain their data?

    So basically we're looking at markers then? A marker is created when logged on, then again when logged off, and this gives a value, which is then added to a global variable to get total time alive?
  20. Dustfallen

    How do the leaderboards gain their data?

    I said how, not where, thanks. I understand that since everything is persistent that the where it comes from would be the saved character data. Mighty nice of you to be helpful and condescending in the same post. As to GigaHobo's question, it's easiest to do it by kills. You should know your zombie kill count and be able to track it through there. At least I've found.
  21. Dustfallen

    Finally i can do it!

    Yeah there were multiple times I was trying to head west, opened my compass and started out. But after a few minutes I opened my compass again only to find I was now going more North. It's easy to get turned a little bit at a time going around trees and skirting the treelines around a field. As a side note, the only item I have not found outside of major towns at this point is a tent. I even found a car bogged down in a small swamp, and a motorcycle in a shed.
  22. Dustfallen

    Well I had a terrible idea

    I have found the NE airfield a lot less populated than the NW airfield. Not always empty, but didn't run into a single person there yesterday in the few times I had stopped by.
  23. Dustfallen

    Finally i can do it!

    Yeah I can say I do the same, heading way out to the fringes. But I don't stay there all the time, as we must get our zombie count up. That is the key to not getting bored. Sneak into a remote town and take out zombies. Refill ammo and head back out. I can say that some of the very remote towns have some really good supplies. Ran into a town where i found a map, matches, binocs and a compass. So don't need all of that from the major towns. Altho navigating without the compass through the forests is a bitch.