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Everything posted by EximiusMiles

  1. EximiusMiles

    Divinum's Legio [Recruitment][13+][USA]

    Its EximiusMiles no spaces and if that doesn't work then tell me yours.
  2. EximiusMiles

    Divinum's Legio [Recruitment][13+][USA]

    Did you type it in right?
  3. Hello I am 15 years old and I am having trouble finding people to play DayZ with me, I've been trying to start a group of people play DayZ often but no one seems to want to come. I just got out of school for about 2 weeks and was wondering anyone that still plays DayZ often would like to join/create a group with me. I have a private hive server where I know where two cars are but I cant find the parts and I keep dieing trying to get them, I need people to play with my own age! If you see please send me a Skype or steam friends request, I will be on when you do! STEAM: AverrellOps SKYPE: EximiusMiles
  4. I'm really just on DayZ right now on the coast looking for people to play with, I'll be waiting for 30 minute until I start playing. SKYPE: EximiusMiles
  5. Hello I am 15 years old and I am having trouble finding people to play DayZ with me, I've been trying to start a group of people play DayZ often but no one seems to want to come. I just got out of school for about 2 weeks and was wondering anyone that still plays DayZ often would like to join/create a group with me. I have a private hive server where I know where two cars are but I cant find the parts and I keep dieing trying to get them, I need people to play with my own age! If you see please send me a Skype or steam friends request, I will be on when you do! STEAM: AverrellOps SKYPE: EximiusMiles
  6. Name: Landon Age: 15 Location: USA: FL Playstyle: Survival / Bandit, I only kill when the other player pose a treat. Do you have skype?: EximiusMiles Time Playing: I've been playing for 5 months and can CAN play for 7 hours a day during the school week, I can play for 24 hours during the week end.
  7. Hello I am looking for some people who will not kill me and take all of my stuff, I am 15 years old and I'm looking for people around the age of 13 to 16 to play with me. My Skype is ExmiusMiles and my Steam is ElektroSurvivor, Hopefully I will find some willing partners by posting these.
  8. EximiusMiles

    Looking for a normal group to play dayz with

    My Skype is EximiusMiles and my Steam is ElektroSurvivor
  9. EximiusMiles

    Vehicles not repairing!

    When ever me and my friends try and repair something like are helicopter, it will not lets us. I tried looking it up on YouTube and there were no videos about it so I came here, when we try refueling the vehicle it works fine but repairing doesn't so I was just wondering if anyone else has the same problem.
  10. I am 15 years old and I am looking for people around my age to play with me on the new map Celle. My Skype name is EximiusMiles and my steam name is ElektroSurvivor.
  11. Hello guys, been playing this game for a while and I'm looking for people to play with now. I am pretty lonely and everyone knows this game is a lot more fun with more people. I am looking for people that play this game a lot and who are on the coast, I will be playing all night and my Skype Name is: EximiusMiles
  12. The Gentlemen's Legion Hello DayZ forums, I am with the Gentlemen's Legion.We are recruiting members because the ones we have are not active enough or just no longer play DayZ. We are currently playing on all the current DayZ maps and we are accepting all ages. If you are interested in joining are amazing clan fill out the application below and post as a reply or pm it to me, If you are accepted in we will pm you the teamspeak server. Age: Character Type: Country: How long have you been playing DayZ?: What guns are you good with?: What can you drive?: