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Penny Sue

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About Penny Sue

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  1. Penny Sue

    Suggestion :Stop asking about Standalone Release

    Hey Derpy do you know when SA will be released? IM SO EXCITED *SQUEEEEE* Never-mind I'll just go start a new topic!
  2. Penny Sue

    Cholera/Crapping Pants

    You can't stop the log jam from leaving brown town!
  3. Penny Sue

    remove helicopter or nerf it

    To effectively simulate in-game the fact that IRL you need training and experience to fly a helicopter they should make it very hard to operate a chopper in game. Flying in DayZ should not be effectively possible with only a keyboard and mouse. Require the use of nice joysticks to be able to fly in DayZ. Then only those players that not only spend the money to buy this equipment but must also spend the time in-game to learn how to fly will be the only ones that can use helicopters. This makes the heli much more rare because even if you fix one not many people will be able to fly it.
  4. Penny Sue

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    Finally! That's awesome. It was silly you could just chill in your vehicle totally safe.
  5. Penny Sue

    Hide tents offline

    Absolutely not! They should be persistent when you log out. Guess what will happen when you do something like making secure storage? I know because it's happened on every other game. Eventually everyone has all the stuff they could ever need or want. Nobody needs to help or rely on one-another. The server databases get full of junk nobody even uses anymore. High-end gear becomes more and more common because anyone can hoard it so everyone does. People rage quit when they do actually loose their stuff somehow because they got so attached to it under the false pretense that it was somehow totally secure. Actually I wouldn't mind if they figured out a clever yet interesting way for your avatar to stay persistent! If I had the tools and options to hide my character very well yet not be 100% safe I would TOTALLY love that. As it stands right now you don't have these capabilities built into the game. Alas too many people would shit themselves and punch their monitor if they logged in with the message "You were murdered in your sleep.... should find a better hiding spot next time!" and all their precious little pixels were gone.
  6. Penny Sue

    Zombies always chasing me

    Some solid advice in this thread if you truly want to try to avoid detection. Personally I'm less worried about it anymore. Only time I really care is if I know other players are in the area and I don't want to draw much attention to myself. In those cases it's less about zombies and more about staying off the other players' radars. I've also noticed crouch-walking really close to buildings and walls can help a lot. For example if you crouch-walk hugging the wall of a building you'll USUALLY see your indicators telling you you're very quiet and hard to see. Then take a few steps out onto that sidewalk or into the street.... indicators shoot way up and you are a lightning rod for zeds! This doesn't ALWAYS work though; pay attention to your Eye and Ear indicators to get a good sense of how noticeable you are. Only time I go prone is if I have to sneak really close to some zeds or cross a road. Seems like roads are the worst; they make you really loud and really visible. Even crouching across them sucks. Again this is only if I care about other players in the area. Eventually you'll learn how to just sprint through town, loose the zeds near your target, loot some stuff, and GTFO. Ultimately it's more efficient but... the game looses much of it's immersion and luster once you start doing this. This is because you learn how to avoid zombies so easily they are almost no threat anymore =( Here's some things that REALLY draw zeds attention: - Roads! Stay the fuck off them. - Firing loud weapons! Things like Lee Enfields, FN FALs, double-barrels, and other loud guns. - Standing up! Stay the fuck down dude. Only time you stand up is to sprint and GTFO or quickly loose some zeds.
  7. Penny Sue

    Improved surrender animation

    Ya there's already like 100 threads about this...
  8. Penny Sue

    Better hidden Tents

    This is neat and all but also keep in mind that if everyone has an easy way to secure / hide equipment we'll all have caches of equipment and effectively render the game pointless. Only way I'd support this is if your stash disappeared when you died. I like that your stuff is easily stolen. Keeps people motivated to get out there and play the game.
  9. Penny Sue

    Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

    Next time you have one on your character, switch to sidearm, go to 3rd person view, zoom out hitting - on num-pad.... it's funny seeing that monster hardware strapped to the side of your dudes pack like it's nothing =)
  10. Penny Sue

    Which map is better??

    Try them out and make your own decision =^.^= Some say Panthera is awesome... I thought it was boring. Some say Namalsk is lame... I think it's a blast and a different set of challenges. Only you will know which map you like best!
  11. Penny Sue

    Spawn? Nay! ARRIVE!!

    Overall I agree and like where you're going with this! Some context around how you arrive where you are would be really cool. Even just spawning in different locations would be nice. Why does it always have to be on the coast? Perhaps you wake up in a building in some random town. Love your sinking boat idea! Maybe you spawn inside a wrecked car, chopper, or laying next to a wrecked motorcycle. What about spawning in a hospital bed? T'would be cool if you woke up in a shallow grave, couple of fresh dead bodies with shovels near by and zeds gnawing their brains! I'd like to "spawn", look around, and think.... "Damn, how the hell did I get here? This is weird... what happened? OH SHIT WHATS THAT?!" *RUN*
  12. Penny Sue

    A good non PvP server out there?

    Perhaps what you seek is a non-KOS server? There's still PvP but you have to make contact first thus giving everyone a fighting chance... instead of getting sniped by A-hole McGeez in a ghille hiding in brush hundreds of meters away. I like DayZ RP http://www.dayzrp.com/index.php
  13. Hey JimJam maybe you should read up on how the damn game works before you decide it's broke? You died from ignorance not faulty coding. It's pretty easy to kill animals and render them into usable food once you know how. Frankly it's rarely even necessary as finding cans of food is stupid easy (unless your playing Namalsk map). I usually find so much food and pop I just leave it laying around... I don't need more than 3 cans of anything because before that runs out I'll find a bunch more.
  14. I was on a server today with Side Chat and player death broadcasting enabled. Two guys randomly teamed up. They did all their communicating over side chan. They took out 7 guys; some of whom were also working together. You don't have to be in some big, fully geared, clan to compete.... just gotta be able to sneak around and aim well. Find a vehicle is a lot of fun; you should try that. I made it a personal objective of mine to find a vehicle, fix it, get some loot stocked in it, and hide it well. This has provided many hours of enjoyable gaming. I've lost several vehicles, found others, hid them well for a day or so, lost them again, found more, explored a lot of the map I'd never seen, found some of my first chopper crashes.... it's really been a whole new aspect of the game. That's what sandbox gaming is all about. We have these tools at our disposal. We have the freedom to do as we please. I chose to go fix up cars, drive them around, give people rides, find better loot, etc. etc. I made my own objectives and ultimately made my own fun experience. I didn't need some quest system, standard mission objectives, or other hard-coded features to lead me around by the nose in order to have fun. I hope the SA brings more things like this into the game world!
  15. Penny Sue

    Feature Idea: Quick Swap/Reload

    Yeah I hope they polish this off in the SA. I should honestly be able to sling a rifle over my shoulder and pull a side arm while running. Having to stop is pretty lame.