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Smoothy (DayZ)

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About Smoothy (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Been on the server for a few days now, enjoy the server but If I had a choice to change 1 thing it would be so the server got darker later into the night. Most people play or at least the server gets busy past 7:30pm and I have noticed you only get an hour (ish) of daylight. Not a major issue but thought I would through it out there. Also, kudos to bonbon_BS (I think that was his name!) for not telling other people where he was killed last night (by stary in a hilux) :)
  2. Had a great night tonight, ended up in some strangers heli battling with another heli but I had to bail. One thing that I have learnt is to take care going north! I was worried that the server would be 'to friendly' with no fire fights, I was wrong and glad I joined, tool south, fight north :) Someone said they had 3 heli's, I just hope that's not admin abuse and someone is very lucky :) Hoping for some more fun tomorrow night!