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About mrmadness

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Happy isle is closed but my good friend Chris aka Mr MadnessMD has started a non pvp members and we have talked and ive decied to tell all old players of happy isle to go check them out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125083-dayz-eclipse-looking-for-new-players-new-friendly-community-ideal-for-newbies-who-arnt-familer-with-dayz-or-roleplayers/ - is there advert page , they have custom cities , auto refill script , custom debug monitor , castle bases , custom loading screen and apprently lots more comming soon. its a shame i had to close happy isle down but i belive it was for the best
  2. A excellent server , friendly admin team , shame there isnt many players as i have faith that this server will do well. i love the custom loading in screen - looks awsome also the debug monitor which is a nice feature along with the FPS meter. oh and also thanks Mr MadnessMD for bringing this community up , shame i couldnt get the old players from Happy isle to come over. i love the fact you have auto refill when you pull up to gas stations. Keep up the good work and hopefully i shall get to play with you on the server soon.
  3. I personally have to appolgise about this , please vist our teamspeak : ts20.nitrado.net:14900 and i will sort it out asap.
  4. We are doing better than we was before to be honst , we now have a mapper and dedicated admins who dont complaine when things get busy. also Happy new year
  5. Okay not a problem :) we not long have increased the slots on the server to make sure that people can get in and play no matter the time of day.
  6. They have been swfitly banned , I do appolgise about this , sometimes there's a chance that one gets away. i will compensate you with some gear if you contact me in the game - Flawzel Williamz
  7. There is nothing going on with happyisle at the moment , Everything has turned out for the better, we now have people who i can trust also our servers are allways full and people enjoy being apart of happy isle. So why not come check us out :) The original unique non bandit , non pvp server :) visit us at www.happyisle.net
  8. Firstly , you all left without a word and then attempt to steal my community members and you even copied my server and forums , i banned most of you due to the fact you banned me stright away from your server , as for the part of buying the admin team gmod , i did that as a little gift for all your work , we wont go down because 90% of the admin team left so im sorry your mistaken on that part , we still proveid something unique and if you want to advertise your own server then make another post and stop posting on here. the website yes was originaly made by dragon but he dosnt own the software for it plus i continued the site and redevolped it. Also all donations go into the server , we recently had to change server and we now host servers in other games which at the moment are still in devlopment. All i can say is come visit us and find things our for your self rather than listening to alod of flame / rage replies. If any mods are viewing this then please remove there unnesscary posts , many thanks as for the server files , the mission file plus database gets wiped on a arma / sql database update , so everything is done by me. *if you expect me to have some form of snotty or rage reply then im sorry , im going to low my self , i wish you all the best of luck and hope this can all be laid to rest as to be honst , its way too childish*
  9. I would just like to say on behalf of the happy isle admin team , we would like to wish everyone a merry christmas and thank you for playing on our servers , we are of corse allways looking for more players so if you havnt checked us out yet id highly suggest to at least give us a try. if your not much of a dayz fan then we have a arma 2 wasteland server thats scripted and coded and maintained by us. well hope your all warm and safe and hope to see you within our community soon. www.happyisle.net why not visit our teamspeak? ts20.nitrado.net:14900
  10. We have changed our ip and increased amount of admins and secruity mesaures , we are still looking for new players
  11. mrmadness

    Community Private Hive Server Blacklisting

    Server name: * Global waste land - tittes and beer IP: * Map: * charnarus Reason of reporting: * teleporting abusing admin Evidence links: * was playing on there about an hour or so ago , i was with a few guys at novy sobor when out of no where they got killed by visious, i manged to get away in a uaz , i got to the other end of stary then that guy kills me , there is no way he could of gotten from one end of novy to the other end of stary that quick. i want to report him for teleport hacking and then when i question about it over side chat , he says he is the head admin then went and kicked me because i said i was going to report him and now im banned from the server when all i did was question him. this is unfair and abuseive , if he didnt have anything to hide then why didnt he say go ahead and report me and ill see ya on the forms? but no , he goes and kicks then bans me - guilty much? please could someone give me any guidence on what i can do , many thanks
  12. was playing on there about 30 mins ago , i was with a few guys at novy sobor when out of no where they got killed by visious, i manged to get away in a uaz , i got to the other end of stary then that guy kills me , there is no way he could of gotten from one end of novy to the other end of stary that quick. i want to report him for teleport hacking and then when i question about it over side chat , he says he is the head admin then went and kicked me because i said i was going to report him and now im banned from the server when all i did was question him. this is unfair and abuseive , if he didnt have anything to hide then why didnt he say go ahead and report me and ill see ya on the forms? but no , he goes and kicks then bans me - guilty much? please could someone give me any guidence on what i can do , many thanks ip of the server is -
  13. We do have pvp servers , we are providing something different to dayz , if people simply dosnt like the rules then we kindly thank them for joining but they can kindly move on there way. also we only ban players if they are being a bandit but at the moment any vehicles on the server are free to take if unowned, players will get warned and kicked if needs be, we are trying to have a pure friendly server with something different , as i just said , if people dont like this then they can kindly move on. there are plenty of other servers out there with there needs. We have disabled that map and we have it more privatly now also only selected admins are able to see it. *it was down to our host which we have contacted and complained at*
  14. We have latley been targted by hackers and bandits and let me reassure you all , we are working to ban them as quickly as possible also we have set up a whitelisted passworded server for players who have been around in our community for a while. im sorry if any one has been affected by this and i hope you all still enjoy playing here at happy isle
  15. Not only that but we have had a total remake of your website and teamspeak , we have tried to make things more user freindly , We have hired more admins and have implamented a structure so admins have certain ranks and know what they are meant to be doing , we have also expanded into 42 slots along with this , we also are expanding the community into such games like minecraft and battlefield 4 in the mear future , as of me typing this post our server is ranked 33rd out of 4488 servers which to be honst isnt that bad going :) so if you havnt yet then why not come check our little isle out and ya never know , see how many new friends ya can make along the way , www.happyisle.net