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About Sassanac

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    On the Coast
  1. I'm not talking 5-10 minutes, i'm talking 30+ and still nothing, and i've always used Dayzcommander... trying a fresh install right now but from what i've heard that doesnt fix it. just wish rocket would try and sort game breaking problems a lot faster.
  2. As title suggests, load into the game, and then get stuck at the black screen with just the message "loading" no loading bar. Happens on just about every server, especially private servers as i havent been able to join a single private server for ages, even ones that previously worked. tried waiting hours nothing happens. Looked everywhere and cant seem to find a fix for this, only thing people seem to reply is that they have the same problem too. Only time i seem to be able to join a server is when theres like 3 people on it. Any help appreciated.