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About masterofnothing

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    The Netherlands
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  • Bio
    My life has been in shatters since my DayZ became bugged.
  1. - Name Daniel - Location The Netherlands - GUID c6ac6fd515f75e9f354bcc075cf3f4c4 - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I've heard good stories about this private, and the high player-cap looks promising. I'm also looking for a moderated hacker-free server and somewhere to play with my friends. I'm sure they'll sign up too at some point.
  2. masterofnothing

    Play withSix Issue

    Same shit here.
  3. masterofnothing

    "You Have been Kicked from Server" - Relaunch

    You've already found my earlier thread. It's sad that this is a recurring problem for some people. I myself solved it through setting up a DMZ on my router (NETGEAR WNR3500v2). What's your network environment? A modem and one router? Or one modem which is also a router? Or something else entirely? Wired or wireless? Do you have SPI turned on, on these devices / this device? I suspect it's a network issue, since I've managed to solve the problem by removing my computer from my router's firewall protection (that's what a DMZ entails). If I disable the DMZ, I get kicked again. So I'm pretty sure, but you never know.
  4. masterofnothing

    Signature Check timed Out - constant kicks

    I played all day. Only kicked once, but that may have been for other reasons (the server was lagging). The signature check timed out is probably a network problem. Which is odd, since I have fast internet (60mbit down, 6 up) and no other game has any issues (BF3, CS GO, CSS, even Arma 2 itself included). Luckily DayZ is working fine right now. Hope it stays that way. You could try just configuring the router's firewall first, forwarding, etc. That didn't work for me, but that doesn't mean it won't work for you. DMZ is not the best option, because it removes every firewall protection.
  5. masterofnothing

    Signature Check timed Out - constant kicks

    Good to hear I'm not the only one with difficulty. Anyway, DayZ is too awesome to disregard. So I'll keep trying new things. If there are suggestions, I'd be glad to try them too. Edit: I deleted everything (including registry keys), then reinstalled. Same problem. Then I set up a DMZ on my router (my computer). I joined a random server and I played for a few hours. I'm hoping I won't get kicked off other servers as well. I'll try somewhere tomorrow.
  6. masterofnothing

    Signature Check timed Out - constant kicks

    Okay, so I'm back. Did a completely clean install. Followed the standard procedure (boot Arma 2, boot Arma 2 OA, etc...). This time I opted for the good old DayZ Commander method. Installed DayZ, updated to Arma 2 beta patch. Booted it. BE updated. I played for three minutes and was kicked. Again. So, does anyone have a clue to what's happening?
  7. masterofnothing

    Signature Check timed Out - constant kicks

    I have reinstalled BE a few times, also copying the .dll to its correct location. BE appears responsive, yet I still get kicked. Well, I did a full reinstall before, and only installed @DayZ, which still didn't work. Right now I'm reinstalling again.
  8. Hello, I've been playing DayZ for a while now. Never had any major difficulties, up to now. I keep getting kicked from servers with only the message that I was kicked (no reason stated). My friends have been able to tell me that the server states that my player's 'Signature Check timed Out'. To my knowledge, this happens on every server (at least all that I've tried - 25 servers or so). Both Hive and private. I have been looking around for the past couple of days, but I haven't been able to find a solution. I tried some things myself, which have not alleviated the problem: -Reinstalled Arma 2, Arma 2 OA (I have the Steam version) and DayZ multiple times -I have tried Six Launcher, Play withSix, DayZ Commander (my Play withSix installation won't even load into the game, somehow) -Updated, reinstalled BattlEye manually and updated again. BattlEye is functional, because it does show messages when I join (nothing out of the ordinary) -Tried verifying the cache in steam of Arma 2 / OA, which generally states that 1 file is missing, which will be downloaded. This then doesn't happen - at all. Reinstalling gives the same results. -I tried fixing DayZ with Six Updater most recently, using the 'check and repair' function that it has, but this doesn't work either -Tried different Arma2 beta patches -Removed all firewall protection. Still no luck From what I gather, people generally assume it's a network problem. I doubt it, since I was able to play DayZ on the same internet connection for quite a while, without problem. Moreover, it's a cable 60 mbit down, 6 mbit upload line which always performs well (low latency, and always reaches the same speeds). I don't know if this problem surfaced since some update, because I hadn't played DayZ for a few weeks. For form, some more information and the TL;DR version: I have the Steam version of Arma 2 I am currently running ARMA2_OA_Build_97982, but have tried slighly older ones too I've launched the game using several methods. All produce the same problem (as stated above). Only Play withSix won't even launch. The problem is that I keep being booted from every game, with the only message to me being that I was kicked. The server will echo: <my player's name> Signature Check timed Out I own an i7 920 @ 4 ghz, ATi 4890 1GB videocard, 6GB @ 2ghz tripple channel RAM, 640 GB HDD Spinpoint F1 all on an Asus P6T SE motherboard. I have looked at the threads, found no answers, looked on the internet and found only more things that didn't work Any help would be appreciated. Curver. Edit: I'll try reinstalling once more... *sighs*