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Everything posted by abstract

  1. Hey everyone, my clan and I recently purchased a new server about a week ago. Currently there are normally 20 people on that are divided into 2 clans and a few random lone wolf players. We're looking for large groups, clans or just players to join our community and play on put server. We have a teamspeak where you and your clan mates could use if you'd like. Just filter "Gaming Cabin" to find us! Our official community website is www.GamingCabin.com so come on in, everyone's welcome and we're always looking for players to form alliances with and fight!
  2. Still need more people, servers slowly getting populated!
  3. abstract

    DayZ Origins Clan?

    Hey man, check out my clans website! Its http://www.gamingcabin.com/forum/. Our TS is gamingcabin.teamspeak3.com.... Our Clan is divided into two sub clans which is pretty much the Europeans Vs. Americans. We've got our own Origins server and between both groups there are constantly 20 members on the server! Just stop by and check us out, just make sure you request to be with the Americans because we run all over the Euro's all day!
  4. Teamspeak information and server ip can be found on our website, if anyone is interested feel free to join our ts or PM me!
  5. Well over 6 months of experience Common sense 17 American(East Coast) Working Mic Looking for a group of players, possibly a clan. Skype: MPlumm69 Steam: JayPlumm Active easy to get along with person I've been in a European clan for 5+ months now and most of my American friends have moved on. Getting tired of playing alone on low pop European servers and ready to see some new faces. Really interested in a group of bandits as I want to join up with people who either have a server that is pretty populated or play on a highly populated server. Add me on skype, steam or PM if interested! I'm willing to go through training sessions and what not with clans if need be.
  6. Not that rare man if someone really wants it they will just try to meet up with you and kill you.
  7. Hey just thought i'd let you know i submitted my app:) Hope to hear back from ya!
  8. abstract

    DayZ Stories

    So there I was driving my newly found bus at Green Mountain, as me and my friend play together he was busy so i figured I'd explore. As i leave one of the main paths leading to Green Mountain I see a familiar and also very exciting sight! That would of course be a crashed heli:) As I crawl my way to the helicopter I do not see any smoke presuming that its broke and hasn't spawned anything i start searching with not so high expectations. After finding a FN FAL with two mags I proudly hop back into my bus further driving down the road and into a tree causing me to disconnect in anger to take a break. When I decide to log back in I realized I had forgot o exit the bus before I disconnected. I spawn halfway in the bus and half way out, after a few seconds my screen turns grey and the infamous "You Are Dead" screen appears. After getting my self back together I decide to give it another go around. Spawning in Electro I run into an armed player, luckily for me the nice guy very polity asked me to stay away, so respecting the fact he didn't KOS I listened and resumed to the power plant where i found my unarmed self getting sniped:/.Spawning this time in Cherno I decided to test my luck and hit up every main building in hopes of finding some good loot before I head further North. First trying the market I find nothing but tins, Next the church... nothing but tins. Last I run to the firestation where I find a Ak74 with 2 mags! After looting the apartments, and all the other buildings I decided to make a quick trip to Balota. As I camp it out waiting for some action I see a poor freshly spawned noob run into the ATC tower. As I sit and observe I hear what sounded like me as a silenced weapon going off. As I stare at the poor noobs body I see a man in a Ghille run up and loot the body. Hitting my "x" key I slowly draw my AK up and sight in on the killer. Unloading a full mag into him ( Didn't aggro a single zombie:]). I decided to see what my bandit I killed had to offer me. Opening the gear menu I find a silenced M4, M9, coyote, 6 M9SD Mags, 6 Stanag SD, Nvg's, GPS and alot of medical and food supplies. What I don't understand is why would a well loaded out guy like the one I Killed was doing at balota where more than half the population has flashlights, not weapons. Maybe he was zeroing his gun? Maybe he was just a jackass? Alls I know is he is spawning with nothing while i run adn hide in the woods!:)
  9. As I was reading a post about people pking and kos all the time and not wanting to survive and cooperate I had developed a great idea! Alot of the players out there who just want to kill others can usually put up with zombies when they become alert. When the zombies become alert alls the player has to do is run into a building and kill them as they slowly walk to the player. I believe that removing the ability for zombies speed to be drastically reduced indoors should be removed. By removing this and maybe kicking up the zombie numbers just might make players think twice before shooting! And by doing this you make the mod much more challenging and realistic:)
  10. I think their should be a rank system for the number of zombies youve killed
  11. People complain about the temperature feature, and it is respectable as to why they would. People must keep in mind this is still in alpha, meaning they want to implement and test new features. The best thing to do is not to complain but simply suggest changes and report bugs to help fix it!:)