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Posts posted by somethingbloody

  1. I figure all players are those who are immune.


    "Hardcore" is a weird definition, considering regular DayZ is supposed to have hardcore survival mechanics. I consider it to be the go-to mode for immersion and fair stealth/combat. The only stuff I would change is removing the "hipfire" cross-hair and adding a realistic time constraint on loading magazines with rounds and other weird stuff you can seemingly do hands-free while still in your backpack.

  2. Man, that is an ugly weapon. What you need is a beautiful reflex-deflex longbow with a nock-point and string silencers and that guy's beard. Most of those survivalist types look totally nuts, hoarding hundreds of thirty round glock mags and using phrases like "when the grid goes down, man", but that dude seems pretty grounded. He even has videos on making your own arrows with duct tape fletchings and how to make arrowheads out of found glass. Good luck with the first aid if you get hit with one of those.

    Anyway, I'd like to see the SR-3 Vikhr

    As well as the AS VAL and VSS Vintorez:


    It would be nice to see guns like that are mostly cosmetically different with the same stats, maybe just different in terms of attachments, like how you can remove the silencer from the the SR-3 to pack it into a bag easily.

  3. How long it should take? There shouldn't and can't be an absolute time-to-geared.

    It depends on where you are, where the rest of the players are and what they have taken, what you want and need, etc. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you should find yourself starving and desperate.

  4. This could be cool. It might also allow you to field strip a hostage's M4, eject all the bullets from the mags and leave them there in a pile and take your leave. On that note I hope they add realistic time constraints for stripping/reassembly, and filling mags. While they're at it, I probably shouldn't be able to eject/load bullets into a gun that isn't in my hands.

  5. The US Military/Intelligence apparatus has facilities in Belgium, Bulgaria and Bosnia, and that is just the B's. Hell, I live in Australia and we have those fuckers spying on us and helping us watch "our corner" of the world (and us) from Pine Gap, not to mention the quantum cryptography facilities/research in Canberra. They even dropped two unexploded bombs on the Great Barrier Reef accidentally during military exercises.

    It is not a far stretch they would have bases in this fictional area. The reason the US can invade nearly anywhere in the world is not because they have the largest army (that would be China. US is second in active personnel and ninth in total personnel), but because they have the bases and transportation to project that military pretty much anywhere.


    When the team start doing map work on the various military bases in Chernarus, I would recommend they actually add flags and names to the bases, and split them up by ownership. For example, the NEAF could be Chernarussian, the NWAF could be USMC and the base at Balota could be occupied by a UN relief effort. Then you could actually go "shopping" for the type of gear you want. Want an M4 or a Remington 700/M24 (if they add them) you go to the NWAF. If you want TTSKO gear, an AK series, a Dragunov, Vintorez, etc. you go the NEAF. If you want a UN helmet, press vest and whatever weapons the blue berets carry, you go to Balota. It'd add some flavour and more reason to travel across the map.


    So uh, back on topic?

  6. The problem I see is the way that grass/terrain detail works in DayZ, you get a helicopter and you can spot any tent or vehicle pretty much anywhere. Then you can just go around looting and trashing lone survivors hidden kit.

    It's not a moral issue (although that is a dick move), the problem is that what is already an advantage becomes a god-like omniscience you don't deserve.

    • Like 1

  7. If I had bullets whizzing over my head I would assume the sniper is trying to kill me and missing, not that he's trying to give me a friendly warning. "Warning shots" sound a bit too much like movie bullshit to me. Also, if you don't shoot you don't give away your position.

    Also, if you're shooting at players to stop them from looting gear they have equal claim to, that just seems to be a dick move.

    I think the only time I would fire a warning shot would be if an unarmed/axe-wielding character kept moving towards me, I would fire at the ground to let him know I'm not bluffing about my ammo.

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  8. I like rocket's idea, but I also would like to see a way to peek over tall grass when you are laying in it, or to be able to push it down. or even simply have it be transparent for the first few feet enough for you to see.

    Another reason we need Arma 3's "high prone" sitting position. I do not buy the argument that you need to be a spec ops trained bad-arse to sit on your arse.

  9. Pfft, this again. I wear camo/green to avoid the "on sight" part of "kill on sight". I wear green/camo tac-vests and a hunting pack for space and camo. When I have a ballistic helmet and gas mask, I have started keeping them in my bag if I have spare slots because people seem to think that is a bandit outfit.

    Even a badly damaged LRS is useful for scouting, so that doesn't define a bandit either.

    All this "bandit outfit" stuff is just ignorant.

    Here's an example:
    That is the bus at the gas station outside Svetlojarsk. I was hiding out in that bus watching the town. I was on my own and pretty geared and supplied so I wasn't too keen to go in. I did as I usually do and watched from the sidelines.

    After a while, I saw two guys in similar TTSKO gear, gas masks, ballistic helmets come running up the road. One had a weapon out, one didn't. They ran up and one said "Hey man!" and started talking about giving me gear. Then the other one said "Dude, that's not our friend. That's just some guy." I kept my magnum in my hands but not pointed the whole time. I said "hello", not "Friendly friendly friendly" and just kept an eye on them and kept my good cover as they ran around the bus. They became more cautious and it was a bit tense, but they decided to go and I watched them leave.

    It was a good, tense DayZ experience. But none of us decided to shoot eachother just based on what we were wearing. We observed eachother's behaviour cautiously and went about our business. That is how you figure out if people are friendly or not. Behaviour.


  10. Better not be anything like the videos of Epoch I've seen. Those wooden towers and sky castles make me want to puke.

    I want to see fortifications and basic shacks, and a realistic weight system meaning you need two hands to carry heavy materials at a walk, and moving enough to build a house will require a flatbed, pickup or van. No way you're putting a wall of sandbags or bricks in your pack.

    We still don't even know how the server resets, hives, etc. are going to work.

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  11. If they put it in they will need to put in weight and handling systems first. Not just massive recoil, it needs to sway and shudder as you try to sight down it. They would also need to add a realistic time for filling mags. You can't fill double stacked 30/30 mags instantly, and filling up a 100/200 round belt and box for a PKM should take quite a while, if you even manage to find that much ammo.

    I would see it more as being a weapon you find, supply and fix up over time and mount it to your truck or an emplacement in your fortification.

    Also, overheating. You better be able to melt that barrel.

  12. The other day I was playing early in the morning, on a regular server with only about five people on it. I decided to run to Elektro to have a look. I noticed two guys going into the school, talking on direct. I climbed halfway up the ladder and hung out for five minutes listening to them chatting and looting. Occasionally I'd say something to make them argue about whether they heard anything or not. After they looted the top room I climbed in and watched them from the top of the stairwell. One of them came back up and freaked out.

    I only had a baseball bat on my back, and I just waved at him to keep him calm. They seemed friendly enough, and one of them told me to stay still, obviously to handcuff me. I didn't mind, because I like to put people at ease and didn't have anything worth taking anyway. Of course once the cuffs were on one of them started talking in this annoying exaggerated indian accent. Saying he wanted to punch me in the head really badly. Then he told me to walk out onto the roof. Then he told me to repeat things like "Kony is the best" and "I want to suck your dick". I just regarded him in silence and he kept yelling, every second word being "muthafuckaaa". His friend with a revolver just said "my buddy here is crazy, man."

    I just said "bored now", turned and walked off the roof as "Kony" yelled "What are you doing?! Don't commit suicide!". I fell down to the second balcony, survived, and my cuffs broke off. Revolver guy followed me over and despite my baseball bat to the face, he had a motorcycle helmet and a fire axe so I died immediately.

    My regret is not trying to get them to turn on eachother. I realised in hindsight if they were IRL buds then they would have been using skype or TS to chat, rather than using direct when they didn't know I was there. Revolver guy obviously wanted to get a kill, but I figure once Kony started talking about dick-sucking I should have said, "Hey you with the revolver, I'm bored now, so either shoot me or this guy in the head". Might have worked, I'll never know.

  13. I found a down jacket earlier but I couldn't equip it or pick it up for some reason.

    Were you wearing a chest holster or tactical vest? It is incompatible with those. I had the same problem until I read the down jacket description.

    I'm planning to get rid of it as soon as I find a hoodie or better. I look hilarious with my puffy green jacket, green motorcycle helmet, green boots and green jeans.

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  14. I think people stay on the coast because it is harder to get lost without the sea for reference (and newspawn killing). My first sixty hours were spent between Rify, NEAF and NWAF, skirting wide to the north and resupplying in Gvodzno. Go too far south into Berezino and you're likely to be shot.

    That said, I'm down near Balota now because I finally decided to check out Elektro, Cherno, Chapaevsk and Dubky. Cool area, very tense.

  15. I would give beans, because you are right about the sounds, but the on-screen indicators is not happening and would be awful. It's not even a sound issue, really. You want a more informative HUD, and that's not the immersive direction DayZ is taking.

    But yes, the sounds are fucked. I've noticed that the random noises from zombies, cans opening, reloading etc. are awfully common on fully populated servers.

    I'd just like to add that the volume levels for sounds near you are broken. You can be watching the NEAF from the tree line and not hear shots down at the hangar. Echoing gunfire at long distances would be great. I fired a shotgun today in the Elektro supermarket, and my friend at the church one block away didn't hear a thing.

    The replacement of placeholder sounds will take a while, but I agree that some values regarding distance would be a nice thing to see in a near-future patch.

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