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Everything posted by R_P_Gamer

  1. R_P_Gamer

    The Moral Effect Theory v2.0

    So far this is the best suggestion i've seen for adding a consequence to murder. Also it was in an entertaining format, and that's just awesome. So, let's say something like this were implemented using the current "Humanity" system (though for this purpose one could treat it as "sanity" and it would likely make more sense), which Rocket plans on leaving in the game in a vestigial form after skin changes are removed. How would one go about it? Let's say one starts with the base 2000 humanity, when it drops below a certain point (maybe into the negatives) the player begins suffering ill effects (hyperventilation perhaps, or blurred vision) which will clear up in a short time. The player's humanity will then tick back up to it's normal level, or be raised by helping other survivors (as normal). However, if a player continues on a killing spree, they descend into a level of psychosis. Difficult thing here though, a psychosis isn't something you just "recover" from, the player's max humanity would have to be reset to a new, low level, and perhaps would begin to tick down instead of up, causing more and more severe effects as it drops to new lows, and requiring medication to reset it to it's new base value. The humanity values would also have to reset when starting a new character, rather than carrying over as they do now. Hmmm, looks a bit complex, perhaps something simpler would do better, thoughts?