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About shaneisaghost

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  1. Hey, I have a 7.1 surround sound headset(steelseries siberia v2) and the sound works, but the directions are all mixed up. Sometimes the sound in front will be behind me and same with left and right. Is there a setting or something to get this working with 7.1 surround sound?
  2. shaneisaghost

    DayZ strategic encounter breakdown

    bumping so more can see :D
  3. shaneisaghost

    DayZ strategic encounter breakdown

    I've watched Sacriel alot and think hes a good player and entertaining but havent really seen any "breakdown" type vids of his.
  4. shaneisaghost

    DayZ strategic encounter breakdown

    Thanks for the input! We were actually thinking something like that, thanks
  5. So my buddy and I were looking for vids that atctually broke down a scenario of a PVP encounter in DayZ and couldn't find much were it goes into details so my buddy and I decided to make our own. This is a vid of breaking down a PVP encounter in DayZ and showing what we did right and wrong. This is a step by step video series which we hope to make more of. How you enjoyed it and if you do subscribing would be great. Let us know your feedback!
  6. shaneisaghost

    New DayZ Mercenary Mod Introduction and overview

    I'm really not sure if there are UK servers. Check Dayz commander and see if your ping is low in one of them.
  7. shaneisaghost

    New DayZ Mercenary Mod Introduction and overview

    I thought the video was good info so I decided to post it so more people can see. whats the problem?
  8. Hey guys, so this new mod called Mercenary Mod came out and I wanted to get some more information about it and I stumbled across this video of a guy named Triplesek who explains it very well. From the look of it, he recently started making DayZ videos but his first few are really entertaining. I would give it a good watch, in my opinion this guy deserves more viewers/subscribers. Heres the video:
  9. So happy those kids are gone. With taht said we are having more applicants everyday and still need you!
  10. shaneisaghost

    DayZ Elite - Challenge Yourself.

    This is going great so far, still need more members, the feedback that has been given by the community about DayZ Elite has been great. If you have any questions and what not go ahead and ask! Clans and players we want you!
  11. Getting applications everyday still need some more to fill out our factions!
  12. Around 25+ players, recruiting about 7+ everyday... still need moar!
  13. shaneisaghost

    DayZ Elite - Challenge Yourself.

    Around 25+ players, recruiting about 7+ everyday... still need moar!
  14. Would be awesome to have you guys. We already have around 20 applicants and more coming in everyday...
  15. shaneisaghost

    DayZ Elite - Challenge Yourself.

    More than happy to have ya :D