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Everything posted by conti027

  1. So I've been playing Dayz with my cousin the last few days. He doesn't want me to play with out him. If I make a new character profile under ArmA2 will that be a new character in Dayz servers?
  2. conti027

    More then one character profile?

    Damn. Thank you. I just realized I should of put this in the "New Player Discussion" part of the forum. Sorry
  3. conti027

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    Whats your game name Guatalian? I had someone leave on me when I was about to kill them. :( I was just hanging out in a spot watching people run by with flares and a bandit comes up fully loaded/awesome gear (didn't notice him at first cause I was typing) and quickly kills me. I come back alive and play some more and I make my way back to where I was; thinking he wouldn't be there. Well he was still there trying to kill someone else but they were fighting back. After he kills him I sneak up on him, but I think he noticed me cause he start looking around a lot (bending the sides looking around the corner) Then he lays down behind cover and when I come around the corner with nothing to lose and he's gone.
  4. conti027

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    A reverse time and veteran w/ 3rd person view. :) I like no crosshairs and not being able to see who killed who. I'm guessing you live in Washington since you have a Seattle server? Also your sever is always full :(
  5. Awesome to hear I'm looking for a Seattle reverse time as well.