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About conti027

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Computer Gaming
    RC Racing
  1. conti027

    More then one character profile?

    Damn. Thank you. I just realized I should of put this in the "New Player Discussion" part of the forum. Sorry
  2. So I've been playing Dayz with my cousin the last few days. He doesn't want me to play with out him. If I make a new character profile under ArmA2 will that be a new character in Dayz servers?
  3. conti027

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    Whats your game name Guatalian? I had someone leave on me when I was about to kill them. :( I was just hanging out in a spot watching people run by with flares and a bandit comes up fully loaded/awesome gear (didn't notice him at first cause I was typing) and quickly kills me. I come back alive and play some more and I make my way back to where I was; thinking he wouldn't be there. Well he was still there trying to kill someone else but they were fighting back. After he kills him I sneak up on him, but I think he noticed me cause he start looking around a lot (bending the sides looking around the corner) Then he lays down behind cover and when I come around the corner with nothing to lose and he's gone.
  4. conti027

    Seattle Server Info/Discussion

    A reverse time and veteran w/ 3rd person view. :) I like no crosshairs and not being able to see who killed who. I'm guessing you live in Washington since you have a Seattle server? Also your sever is always full :(
  5. Awesome to hear I'm looking for a Seattle reverse time as well.