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Everything posted by Krimlon

  1. Krimlon

    [SA] Silent Assassins Recruiting!

    I gotta say the short time ive been playing on the server has been pretty fun. I've had quite a few funny experiances, and then yesterday there was I think 6 or so of us holding down the market, was pretty good action.
  2. Krimlon

    [SA] Silent Assassins Recruiting!

    Im interested in joining, Ill be playing on your server for awhile under Krimlon. Steam:killingfrost662
  3. lol I think he is saying your shouting because that part in CAPS haha. Well anyways, Im interested in joining your clan, Im an 23yr old US player whos been playing for a few weeks. I don't have any experience working in a group but interested in it/learning. Ill check out your server. Steam-killingfrost662 Skype-killingfr0st To get ahold of me,
  4. I've been playing DayZ for about a week or so and am looking for a couple other people to team up with. The only thing is atm im on a kinda crappy internet connection so some servers I just get to high of ping to play on. Send me a message on here if you wanna team up or just post in this topic.
  5. I've been playing DayZ for about a week or so and am looking for a couple other people to team up with. The only thing is atm im on a kinda crappy internet connection so some servers I just get to high of ping to play on. Send me a message on here if you wanna team up or just post in this topic.