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Posts posted by mistan

  1. i think it would be interesting to have the setting in the scandinavian region. Oslo or stockholm helsinki. and the suburbs outside... somehow a place that isent so desolate why would it be worse then plane of nothingness.

    i want to traverse a map that has clear landmarks and that we can actually Feel connected to in a more... unique sort of way.. chernos land marks are 3 things elektro cherno and airfield.

    and a few castles but they are far inbetween.

    norway and sweden has modern building smack down in forested areas and alot of dynamic elevation like mountains and bridges and tunnels.

  2. With out deep snow this would be not as cool as it should be. we need deep snow. snow that makes your character struggle to get trough

    assassins creed 3 got that shit down when it comes to snow.

    Heres inspiration to everyone.

  3. P.Y.T i think we are thinking the same language here.

    More influence from great thrillers or horror movies that got the tone right.

    The Thing

    The grey

    But also dwells in the survival aspect... such a cool painting dude . I dident spend even a 100th of a effort on what i made haha.

    But great to get support and vision on this.

  4. Im not talking about accessibility effectivity im talking about reasons to traverse the map to places you normally probebly wouldent go let's say for the sake of argument there is an apartment in kamenka

    a place no one likes but for some reason this place eludes you for some reason becasue of the item you found that might get you something...

    you might aswell Not go there however. it's up to you.

  5. Actually yeah pretty much like how the movie The grey is.

    It would be really cool if they are more passive though instead of the zombies going apeshit when they see you i want the wolfes to be more cautious. and circle you show up and leave and such, proper stalking.

    and when you least expect it BAAM! they will attack.

    Unless you figure out a way to get them off your trail of course.

    Blood bag, meat, Fire,

    can still shoot em but that does not necissarily get them of your trail. want that eerie feeling that it isent a problem but it potentially could be one...

    Maybe a bit complicated but i mean one can dream can he not?

  6. I never said you personally would find it interesting but let's say you find a key to a house..

    Maybe this house has a car..

    maybe you find a keycard in the house.. To a factory or a office building or what have you?? a locked down Shop that sells weapons as it seems this game only revolves around military equipment for some reason...

    you get access to an area no one else has been able to loot befor... becasue of this access.

    use your imagination.. im trying to create Quests within the game world that aren't mandatory they aren't Quests in the MMO sense they are Things you can do within the game like the choice of giving someone blood or shooting them in the head..

    This might not be the perfect way to do it but somehow i feel it could really enhance the game experience if you have optional goals instead of 1 2 3 4 here is where i get the best military grade loot or medical supplies.

    in short upgrading your character shoulden't only be why you play... adventure my friends adventure ..

    i mean the trip to airfield is exciting the first 3 times.. then you realise everyones there and is sniping you when you arrive or all the loot is gone..

    Finding unique places is what drives stories in this game we need more hidden areas things that surprises you things that motivates you more then just killing other players.

    but hay i guess Both ideas sucked hard?

  7. picturesdayz.jpg

    Bolt cutters for locked gates or what ever someone might have locked up.

    Hay why not finding a chain and a lock and lock something up.

    if it was worth locking in it was worth getting to can work, The boltcutters should work on chests aswell.

    killing a zombie might be a ticket back to where he once lived, check the street and place on the keynote on with the keys. your quest to loot has begun. maybe he lived in a villa or an apartment but most importent what did he own that you now can own. a car, clothing, food, water?

    checking Deadbodies temperature or pulse. This might give you an idea of when someone was killed a zombie or a human being, I dont know how zombies work so in the end of a the day they might be cold constantly but for the sake of argument. checking temperature is cool. And all the cool kids are

    doing it.

    Also if this was nice, check out my winter concepts. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99125-snowy-dayz-concept-art/

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  8. Hunted%20by%20wolves.jpg

    How it could be being tracked and hunted by wolves in the snowy landscape of Dayz. Would be amazing to have the feeling of having something constantly being on your tail you are aware of it but you need to get rid of it the tracking the wolves have on you.

  9. DAyz%20snow%20concept.jpg

    Thought about all the cool stuff that snow can add to the gameplay experience with blood trails, Faked blood trails.

    Foot prints.

    Extreme cold and clothing actually mattering and equipment need to be payd alot more mind to. Aswell as we still have zombies and other players to mind.

    Shelter mattering for some occasions during gameplay having to move from building to building

    massive blinding blizzards that occur during gameplay .. eerie wind howls, Icey lakes that you can drown in and rescue friends from small mountain ranges with icey sides actually getting your leg broken out of a real reason as slipping off.

    zombiefied wolfs that HUNT you! actually tracks you. Audio cues in the middle of the night the howls... The cold.

    Dat immersion

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