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About Stalingunner

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    On the Coast
  1. Stalingunner

    More aircraft!

    I think more aircraft are needed but probably only two. One would be like a Cessna, or another small single engine aircraft that could be used to carry a lot of cargo or give an overflight of a convoy. We could also see a seaplane variety for connecting to islands and landing off the coast.
  2. Stalingunner

    Mood system, Constructions.

    Alright, farming would be useful. Instead of having to loot the cities, you could fort down in the hills and hids a small base in the dense trees. Just being able to survive away from cities alone will be a challenge, and would fit in very realistically.
  3. Stalingunner

    Camo netting

    Alright, good idea if you need to camo a large brightly colored truck or bus, especially if it is off the main road in the treeline or something. most people rushing past on the road won't notice immediately without really looking, which is the point.
  4. Stalingunner


    Ok, ignore the profile thing. Sorry.
  5. Stalingunner


    Ok, please stop replying bunker author of topic. im sure you made those accounts today just to respond to your topic. No bunkers are needed cuz of airfields and military tents.
  6. Stalingunner

    Repair Fuse Boxes For Electricity

    I think that a small generator would be a far more likely option for now. I would definately support a small 15 hp generator that randomly spawns in factories or barns. You could still need to repair it, and you could find electrical wire, lightbulbs, and sockets to light up a building or a base camp. Besides, it should make slightly less noise than an ATV or car, but would definatley attract players or zombies by the light or noise. Hooking up homes or large towns is unrealistic for now as stated in other threads, but this should be something that they consider adding.