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About Viktor_Berg

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  1. Viktor_Berg

    Full release - Map discussion

    The tunnel would create a chokepoint that could easily be abused by player killers. Even if there are 3-4 of them, a properly placed sniper squad can effectively lock down the tunnel on its own.
  2. Viktor_Berg

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    Why not just find a Bison? It has a tiny bit less accuracy, and worse sights, but double the mag, and it's not nearly as rare, as well as not in a nearly as dangerous a place.
  3. Viktor_Berg

    Full release - Map discussion

    We need a map with a much larger focus on urban content. I've been thinking about it, and came to the conclusion that a real-life megapolis would work perfectly. But not one with too many skyscrapers, but a more down-to-the-earth one. In this context, Eastern European major cities would do the trick. I am talking about places like Moscow or Kiev. They are both goddamn huge cities, while having relatively few skyscrapers in the skyline. My only concern is that they might be TOO big - Kiev is over 800km^2, and Moscow is an insane 2500km^2. That large of a map, with that many buildings, will surely choke the current ArmA engines to death.
  4. It is possible to remove the wire fence with a toolkit, yes. A bit hard, though, you have to find the sweet spot, which is small (it's the middle post on the wire fence).
  5. Aside from the obvious guess at melee, I am thinking we might finally be able to cut down trees properly. This will lead to two possibilities: either the ability to deforest any desired location for setting up camps in thick forests, OR an ability to build palisade walls using the cut down trees.
  6. Viktor_Berg

    Seattle 30 - trioxin 245 (ADMIN)

    Did it ever occur to you that he might have had friends?
  7. Viktor_Berg

    should there be regular resets on characters

    Day 30: characters reset. Day 30, hour 2: a person who can and wants to dupe finds a DMR. In short: fuck you, vanilla.
  8. Don't the DayZ members have soldier skins in-game? I think I read about that somewhere.
  9. Viktor_Berg

    Just a heads up

    As much as I am grateful to Rocket and his team for this mod, the decision to go public in Alpha stage probably wasn't the best idea... Then again, the creators never anticipated their creation to be so popular.
  10. Viktor_Berg

    improved map

    An excellent map, very clear and detailed when it comes to marking important locations, without sacrificing resolution or image compression.
  11. In first person mode, you can do less than in real life. This has been said by defenders of TPV already. However, third person mode lets you do MORE than in real life. What does that show? That while FPV is limiting, it does not go beyond the boundaries of a human being. TPV, on the other hand, completely destroys those boundaries, essentially enabling a partial wallhack. I do not understand how you can justify this by calling it "realism". In real life, I can not look over a wall taller than me while standing behind it. But for now, let's cast aside any notion of realism, because it's stupid to argue about arbitrary boundaries of said realism (you do not heal up bullet wounds with blood bags and cooked meat, like it has been said). The biggest problem of TPV is that it unbalances PvP, and yes it has been stated multiple times in the thread, but I will say it again. It BREAKS PvP to a huge degree. The person behind cover gains much more advantage than they should (being able to see AND being completely protected).