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Everything posted by hogeyman

  1. Name:Tyler Age:14(clans in other games have allowed me to join because of my maturity) TeamSpeak Name:hogeyman Mic?:Yes! Why do you want to join?:It would be fun to play DayZ with a group of people :) Experience in game:About 6 months Timezone:EST US Bio:I'm very engaging and agressive towards bandits. If a survivor has his weapon or gun pointed at me, I give them a warning shot to let them know I'm not be messed with. Also I usually don't shoot people on the coast because there fresh spawns, but if its up north its fair game. Overall I'm neutral when it comes to friendly or bandit. In game Name:hogeyman
  2. hogeyman

    Survivor Gone Bandit

    I used to be a good survivor.....until I get betrayed by a man with an axe. Now I KOS :) Killed two noobs in Elektro yesterday with a DMR. One got a headshot and the other got a broken leg and bled to death. Very satisfying kill I might say! :)
  3. hogeyman

    How long have you survived?

    The longest I've survived is 9 days. He's still alive right now. I have a DMR, M16A3, PDW, an Alice Pack, and medical supplies. So I'm pretty geared :) I'm still looking for a large coyote backpack though. I WILL CONTINUE THE SEARCH! :P
  4. hogeyman

    Had a good run

    Lol I agree! I've died there sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times XD!
  5. hogeyman

    Epic Fight (and epic loot!)

  6. Thats exactly how I felt when I started. I was constantly being killed by hackers and people killing new spawns. So I decided to play on a private hive. THEY'RE 10x BETTER THAN REGULAR SERVERS! First of all: 60 people are usually on them, Custom loot tables, new vehicles, overpowered weapons are banned (such as the AS50, and DMR), and better hack protection. You'll get better though it just takes time :)
  7. hogeyman

    Legion of Honor is Recruiting!

    hey guys will u be on tonight?
  8. ive got an as50 with 2 rounds and i would like the m24. later on today ill post what server to hop on and we'll trade :P
  9. im gonna have to check this out! it reminds me of the Wasteland mod....
  10. hogeyman

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    CandyMan do you play on the Dallas DayZ Madness server? I thought i saw your name the other day on there.
  11. hogeyman

    Up for a little challenge?

    wait so u want people to team up or go against u?
  12. hogeyman

    Rules of Engagment

  13. So yesterday I was on a Lingor server that had 400+ vehicles. I find a ATV and take it to the NE Airfield. As I arrive I start hearing shots from a DMR way down the runway. I brush it off and continue searching the hangar-triangle looking things (lol idk what their called). At the third hangar thing, a bandit with a SVD walks right inside and trys to annihilate me with his G17. Fortunately for me, he was a terrible shot. :) At that time i was armed with a crossbow, so I thought I was done for. I blindly notch one of the arrows and pull the trigger, not caring where the arrow goes. To my amazement the man crumpled to the floor and died. I looted him and got a SVD and G17. After that I found a HUMVEE and drove it for two minutes till I encountered another HUMVEE that wanted to destroy me. I died and logged off. End of story. :P
  14. hogeyman

    My first camp

    LOL that same thing happens to me!! I'll see a player and I'm like "YOUR GONNA DIE!!!! FUS RO DAH!!!" and then he starts using precise precision with his M16 LOL :P
  15. Yah just wait for the standalone. ITS GONNE BE AWESOME!!!! :P
  16. Hello Survivors in Chernarus!!!!!! I bring you a server for everyone that has been banned in DayZ!!!! The server will run from 6 A.M. to 9 P.M. EST. Reminder!!!: This server has BE turned off! So you can get in even if your Global Banned!!!! Server Info: TS Info:
  17. hogeyman


    Main hero: Just died fresh spawn. :( Age: 14 where do you live?: US East Coast Are you available ib weeends: Yes Are you and active player?: yes What do you play more?: DayZ mostly, sometimes WarZ P.S. ive been playing for about 4 months now
  18. Teamspeak Info: No BULLYING or ban!!! No excessive swearing or kick!!! This server will not be 24/7 but I hope to see you on TS!!!!!