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Posts posted by enewmen

  1. Hi all.

    I've been playing days on a private server for a while now. Getting too easy,.

    I left the main hive because of too many dicks and assholes that shoot newcomers on the south beach, destroy vehicles, cheat, turn me into a goat then shoot me, etc.

    So, are there any servers you can recommend a server with "normal" bandits that at least have some reason for killing instead of killing for pain killer and a Makarov PM? You know - playing the game like it's really a survival game.

    Or everyone should shoot everyone else on site?


  2. I DO like to play online with real people the way most people play Dayz.

    That's just not always possible.

    If I didn't think Dayz was awesome the way it is, then I would not have bothered to register to this forum :D

    I looked at Warz, looks good. But after playing Arma 2, all other FPS looks like toys to me.

  3. Not an offline game?

    I have a LAN game running now and I'm the only one playing.

    This worked great for a long airplane ride :)

    The benifit will be more obvious in a offline stand-alone title.

  4. I think you missed my point.

    Without NPCs, playing Dayz OFFLINE will be a very lonely place.

    When I said the admin can change ratios, I was referring to you - the one playing the game.

    Zeppa, what category should this thread go? Yes, I am new here.

    Thanks for the posts!

  5. Thanks.

    Which ports or where to find the specific ports? - I'm using the port I see on the Server Console.

    I added the port in the router and the windows firewall. Nothing.

    I think I'm missing some step to get the Remote function working.


    It's working now an hour after doing the above!

    It seemed to have fixed its self.

  6. Hi all.

    I got the LAN server running on my PC and I'm able to see my server in gamespy in the localhost. - When I click on Multiplayer.

    So, how can I have my server viewable on the Internet so friends can join or connect a friend to my LAN server (without a VPN)?

    In the config.cfg, I have

    reportingip = arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";


    BattlEye = 1;

    I don't expect this to be part of the main hive on DayzCommander.


    I really did try to search for an answer first.

  7. Hi all.

    I will LOVE if Dayz has NPCs, like in Stalker (or most games). - in the MOD or a future stand-alone.

    NPCs can be survivors (all friendly), bandits, or heroes (can offer a bandage or blood). Also possible for the server admin to set ratios.

    Something like 10 survivors, 2 bandits, 1 hero.

    Also provide some way to broadcast a general location where a bandit was last seen.

    This addition will add variety and be even more helpful in a future offline version of the game. Just to keep zombies from being the only things walking around when the players are gone.

