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Everything posted by MulletMan28

  1. Server name: US 174 100 vehicles / care packages Mullet IP: Loc=Washington DC-USA, Diff=Regular, Map=Cherrnarus, Slots=50, TZ=EST, 3DP=on, CH=on, NP=on, DM=on, SC=on, PW=No, WL= Contact= Owner-MulletMan28 (steam), dayzdonation28@live.com Friendly 50 slot server with 100+ Vehicles of all types. Start off with a G17 and some other goodies. Always open to suggestions, feedback and donations to keep server alive, contact me at dayzdonation@live.com always avalible for restarts, player warnings, kicks and report any players who are disruptive or hacking. Enjoy! Mullet Man
  2. MulletMan28

    Quick noob question if I may please?

    can someone give me a good profile to use with the nostromo... new to game and looking for a good setup for it.