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About natzazeb9989

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. natzazeb9989

    Mood system, Constructions.

    Hey!. I've been thinking of how dayz is like now, you go scavange for food,medicine,weapons and hydration... but what after that? You do the same stuff all over again. Like going to Northwest Airfield to get more GUNS. Crash heli's for more GUNS. dont you get tired of that? it's like infnite running. i feel like adding more challenge, like a mood system where you have to find stuff to entertain yourself, like a magazine and books. Sleepyness will reduce your visibility, etc. and i kinda feel like that AFTER you scavange a city or too, you go to store your items in a tent or proceeds to go scavenge for some more. And about the tents. yes the tents. its the only stationary storage system you ever have!. Now im not trying to be mean or anything, i like dayz.. i just kinda feel like that i have been doing all those stuff all over again. How about people starting to construct their own territory? Farming area for food, A well to pump water, a hut to keep your character alive, for these you need to gather resources like wooden logs, stones and seeds. Im not trying to make this into minecraft,but i am tired of getting killed and have to start all over again with the same challanges. Let me know what you think. :rolleyes: