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Everything posted by YRespawn

  1. Hi My skype is youngrespawn If you want to play dayz add me on skype we can get a small group together and get a camp supplies and have fun.. im 14
  2. i have lingor its up to whatever yall want to do
  3. Age:14 Location:Texas Skype:YoungRespawn Time in Dayz: 1 Month 2 Dayz What i enjoy doing most: Whatever the team needs me to do im your guy.
  4. Name:Dariuas Age:14 Timezone: Central time Us-Canada Clan Experience: Multiple clans on xbox for Cod,Bf3,Medal of honor some guilds on wow PVP: Cod.halo,wow,bf3,dayz,arma 2,Blacklight,medal of honor Playstlye: Medic,Assault Skype:YoungRespawn