Time: 10:05 PM PST October 8, 2012 Server: US 2241 Player: Roamer, Yoates (I know they can change it but still) What happened: My friend and I were trying to reunite, when over Skype I hear him talking to these guys in game. They shoot him and leave him on the side of the road, so I come to help. I see in the server feed that Roamer had died so I decided to try and help my friend quickly. Roamer and Yoates proceed to pull up in a car with gillie suits, AS50s, and other end game gear. They start to make fun of my friend so I think "Hackers, must kill" and I killed them both. My friend begins to loot the bodies when there is a global kill and me and my friend both fall over dead after getting some weird re-spawn screen of a room somewhere. I don't have screenshots because I did not see them spawn the items, nor did I see them type the "Kill all players cause somebody killed me and that's not okay" Command.