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About Mr.magical

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  1. Mr.magical

    Spawn Changes Too Soon!

    I cant spawn into balota and be full geared in 5 minutes! O the humanity! I for one welcome our new spawn location overlords
  2. Mr.magical

    Salute and Identify

    How about no. Just exchange names if you want to be friendly. This game doesn't need magical names appearing above heads. If you want to wave and be friendly, cool go for it. If you want someones name, ask them. Names shouldn't appear, you should get the player to give them your name and trust that they are telling the truth, or that they are trying to deceive you with a false name.
  3. Mr.magical

    Am I not healing due to a glitch?

    I have had trouble regening in the past and i believe it was because i was running everywhere. It seems you need to have full energy/water and not be expending any of it to regen. so find yourself some cover, gorge yourself and wait
  4. Mr.magical

    Suppressors working?

    I tested a suppressor with a friend and we found that they do work for humans. I couldn't hear anything but bullet impacts on the ground past 30 meters or so. Not exactly sure of the distance since it was a guess but they do work
  5. Mr.magical

    Scripting already rampant...

    Hackusations, hackusations everywhere. I have experience this bug a few times and the only bad thing that happened to me was having to run a bit more than necessary. Since its an alpha maybe stop with the rage and just accept that Dayz will be buggy and you will die many times for dumb reasons
  6. The last time i got sick I ate a whole bottle of vitamins along with plenty of food and water and slowly got better. I'm not sure if i needed to eat all of them because they seem to very slowly make you better but I did get better eventually (about 30-40 mins game time).
  7. Mr.magical

    WarZ all over again

    The devs have the right idea by releasing this as alpha. This way they get to have "hackers" test their security by making all these scripts and they can sit back and watch how its done. Instead of having their own team go through trying to find vulnerabilities all these skiddies are testing it for them. I have played plenty of the alpha and haven't encountered any hacking yet,so far it is going great compared to the mods security issues.
  8. There is this strange game mechanic called "respawning" I hear if you do it you can come back to life and kos until you are the one killed
  9. Its still better than losing gear on the ground :)
  10. Place the box in your hands. When the boxes are in your hands you can see the gear inside and move it around easily.
  11. Mr.magical

    DayZ Namalsk: Why ER7 is too much

    I agree the sniper version is super op. I logged in and found one in a tent about 10 metres away from where i spawned in . Hacker/duper tent but i just had to take the gun . Tried it out on 2 people crossing the land bridge and that gun is too easy to use and too strong. It makes me think of an as50 on crack. I have little experience with sniping yet i was able to kill both people with one shot each. Needs a nerf
  12. Mr.magical

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Beware cursed weapons! One day traveling through Namalsk I found a Remington 870 shotgun and took it as a secondary wepon along my trusty AKM. Later on my journeys i needed some space in my pack so i decided to throw the shotgun away. After a few hours of play i decided to shoot at a chopper that was passing by so he of course decided to turn around and kill me after a few passes. Ah well thats what i get for taking pot shots. Spawning not far away i ran back to my corpse. When i retrieved my backpack it had the shotgun inside it again. What the hell, i had lost some food and water and gained a shotgun, not good. Namalsk is a harsh place and weapons abounded whilst food and water are rare. I now needed some suplies and decided to ambush some people crossing the land bridge. I set myself up in a tree overlooking the narrow land bridge not far from the path. 10 minutes later i see 3 figures crossing the bridge. I waited till they got close and blasted them away without them seeing my position. i searched the corpses geting little food and water but some medical suplies. needing space i put the damn returning shotgun on a corpse and buried it. I then hunkered down nearby and logged off for the night. When i logged in again the next morning the shotgun had returned! Cursing me with its presence and again destroying some precious suplies. Resigned to carry this cursed weapon i continued my journey seeking suplies. Not long later a fresh spawn happens across my path. He calls out a greeting and i return it. I call him over and tell him take the shotgun out of my bag. He does so as i threaten him not to use it on me. We then part ways. I did not tell him of the curse. Hopefully now he is stuck with it forever returning to his bags to wreak havoc upon his precious suplies. I now continue my journey, happy to be free of that cursed thing.
  13. Mr.magical

    Remote control hackers?

    WTF The wrong idea on cheaters? You guys are scum and all you do is greif and ruin this game. What you do is take the fun out of the game by cheating the system. Imo there is no diference between nukers and you because you are just as bad. How can you even come on these forums and be expected to be taken seriously when you openly discuss cheating? If you want to spawn with all the items go play something else. Bugger off you Skiddie
  14. Mr.magical

    Ax-Murder stories. (+ discussion)

    I was a fresh spawn walking up the coast just past solnichy. I saw one of those small train platform buildings that often have hatchets. I walked up and as luck would have it i found one. as i stepped off the platform around the corner not 2 metres away was another survivor in camo clothes sporting a dmr. We both froze for a second. This being night and with only 8 people on we were surprised to almost walk into another. I reacted first, rushing him, my first swing breaking his legs with an almighty crack. Falling to the floor he began to fire his dmr but i was running in circles around him franticly trying to kill him. His fire attracted some zobmies and he got a lucky shot off breaking my legs. As i go down the zombies agro me of course, not the guy shooting. One mike tyson punch later im out and being eaten to death. I was sad that i hadnt managed to kill him but it was heart pumping nonetheless. I respawn figuring he must have managed to fix himself up but to my surprise 1 minute later he dies! Being not far away i sprint to the location of our epic strugle to find all corpses intact and untouched. I scored well that night, nvgs, gps full tools, dmr and cco sd.
  15. Mr.magical

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Animals in this game act very oddly. I was waiting on a hilltop in a bush for a freind to pick me up. I noticed a goat walking past about 10 metres away. sudenly it turns right towards me. This was odd and it made me a bit uncomfortable. It then began to walk towards me, stopping one metre away. It stared at me for a good 10 seconds. I felt even more uncomfortable, what the hell was this goat doing? All of a sudden it bleated at me turned and walked away. I wont lie it scared the shit outa me. Another day i was out driving with a freind at night looking for crash sites. All of a sudden the server crashes. We get back in 5 minutes later with the car nowhere to be seen. We start backtracking the way we came. We both start to starve because of course all our food was in the missing car. My freind has nightvision but i do not so we are making slow progress. We finnaly come to a town and start looking for food. None around. We split up to cover more ground but still no luck. My freind finnaly finds a can and stops starving. Im groping my way around in the dark and having no luck. We regroup in a barn and there right in the middle of the floor is a rabbit standing on its hind legs. Its just sitting there looking at me. I tell my freind and he turns but cant see it at all. My skin crawls a little, somethine weird is going on. I decided that this rabbit is offering itself up to me. It knew i needed to live and it sacrificed itself so i could live on. Hope that one day when you are starving in the middle of nowhere that the rabbit visits you and offers itself to you so that you may live on.