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Everything posted by ReclaimedHavok

  1. ReclaimedHavok

    When Nature Calls

    Hello forum, I already posted this idea in the suggestion thread, but I figured there was no harm in making another individual thread to share. I searched, didn't see anything, so here's my idea. And before I start, yes, I know how it sounds. It's silly, but hey, it's an idea. Honestly, in a game trying to put you through the trials of realism, having you eat and drink and such, you should have the other side of that coin, urination and defecation. Again, yes, it sounds ridiculous, and no, I'm not suggesting an all out animation for having a dude use the restroom, I'm just saying that all those beans and pepsi cans have to go somewhere. I mean, it could add a new layer of budgeting your time. Having to go when you think it is an appropriate time to go. And it could have negative side for not going, like being antsy if you really have to go, or making you a little sick, or if you can't hold it, you can't run as well, because, you know, it's in your pants. Or the zombies could sniff it, and have a new way to detect you. (Ok, that one was a joke). You could even go a step further by adding rotten food or something, which could make you sick like this. I mean, there are already other ways to get sick, so why not stomach problems? I dunno. And yes, again, I'm being serious. I know it's hard to go about this subject without sounding silly, or trollish, but this is really my suggestion. It may be a burden, but hey, it's a burden in real life, and your playing a zombie simulator, so you're asking for the burden. That's it I guess. Go ahead and comment, hate on, or add to this idea. It's all good, just wanted to share. EDIT: I just saw a thread a few pages back about this, sorry, didn't find that in my initial search. Something they brought up is that people would just go for the sake of leaving poop everywhere, but in my opinion, this could just be a function you have to do, it doesn't need to actually leave residue. It could also be something you can't do whenever you want, but something that can only be done every so often. I dunno, just ideas.
  2. ReclaimedHavok


    The more I think about it, I really dislike a set skin idea. It should just be a customizable thing. I mean, really, if some guy is evil, he's not going to wear "evil" clothing, he's just going to be a dude. A regular dude, that you have to take the time to judge for yourself. I think the idea of skins for humanity makes everything too easy.
  3. ReclaimedHavok

    Spawn in groups.

    I have mixed opinions on this idea, but let's look at it this way. DayZ is trying to set the feeling of "You've washed ashore on this island, now go.". If you look at the situation from that kind of perspective, the ability to choose who you spawn with seems kind of silly. I mean, realistically, it's ridiculous to expect you and that perfect group are going to wash up near each other. And yes, I know overall this is just a game, and it would usually be an expected online feature, but I feel it somewhat breaks that immersion DayZ is trying to set. Just my two cents.
  4. ReclaimedHavok


    Actually, this.
  5. ReclaimedHavok


    I can kind of understand giving these types of people their own skin, but I can imagine several situations where you would kill someone in self defense, and then not get a chance to loot the body afterwards. Also, why do they get a bonus?
  6. ReclaimedHavok

    Fishing,swimming, Fishing rod, and Raw Fish!

    I agree with the fishing as an alternative to getting food.
  7. Alright guys, this is my first post on the forum, and well, who knows what you'll think. Some people may think the suggestion is stupid, or a joke, but, I'm really serious about it. Really. Honestly, in a game trying to put you through the trials of realism, having you eat and drink and such, you should have the other side of that coin, urination and defecation. Again, yes, it sounds ridiculous, and no, I'm not suggesting an all out animation for having a dude use the restroom, I'm just saying that all those beans and pepsi cans have to go somewhere. I mean, it could add a new layer of budgeting your time. Having to go when you think it is an appropriate time to go. And it could have negative side for not going, like being antsy if you really have to go, or making you a little sick, or if you can't hold it, you can't run as well, because, you know, it's in your pants. Or the zombies could sniff it, and have a new way to detect you. (Ok, that one was a joke). You could even go a step further by adding rotten food or something, which could make you sick like this. I mean, there are already other ways to get sick, so why not stomach problems? I dunno. And yes, again, I'm being serious. I know it's hard to go about this subject without sounding silly, or trollish, but this is really my suggestion. It may be a burden, but hey, it's a burden in real life, and your playing a zombie simulator, so you're asking for the burden. That's it I guess.