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About Mangler

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  1. Mangler

    Typing notification for players

    Jedi Knight Academy (and I think Quake 3) had this feature, and it was a real drag. Eventually behavior developed around it to where it was expected you would not shoot when the chat bubble was up. This lead to people stopping to chat in the middle of a battle and raging when you killed them anyway. Sometimes you would get kicked/banned for it. "No chatkillers." There's a good mod for JKA, and if I recall the mod makers were discussing the removal of that feature because it had become such an obstruction and so much controversy developed around it.
  2. Mangler

    Air supply

    I feel like this would hurt the desperate survival feel of the game, seeing planes flying around air-dropping supplies. This would imply that there's enough survivors elsewhere that they can both fly airplanes around, and have enough extra supplies to dump it in a devastated area.
  3. Mangler

    Banned from NY9

    During your test, do you happen to know how long you were idle before you were automatically kicked? Is this duration a variable setting?
  4. Mangler

    Banned from NY9

    It seems you've made your final determination and I would have to agree: If the extent of your investigation is my word against his then no action can be taken. If I understand your post correctly, you said that the Admin kicked me manually, which means you've already caught them in a lie: the Admin said the kick was automatic, by BattlEye. I would have liked to see this report come to some sort of solution, especially if it was a bug. But if you are insisting that the only possibility is one party is lying about what happened, then I am disappointed to come to the conclusion that the NY9 administrators have been lying the whole time and I was indeed wrongfully kicked for their gain. Thanks for your efforts.
  5. Mangler

    Unlockable Skins

    I am against adding cheap skinner box methods of reward into this mod. Especially when they are external from game play. Either make it selectable before spawn or findable on Chernarus.
  6. Suggestion: There should be an indication upon disconnection emanating from the last point a player existed. PROBLEM: When one is stalking a player, one will often not have visual contact. During this time the player can disconnect and the stalker will proceed to waste time and resources on hunting nothing. PURPOSE of Indication: The stalker will now know when the player they are hunting, but have lost visual contact with, is gone. PARAMETERS ideal Disconnection Indication must fulfill: A.) It emanates from the position the player existed before disconnection. B.) The stalker must be able to perceive it: 1.) From great distance 2.) While nearby 3.) Through walls and other visual obstructions 4.) Regardless of elevation 5.) although he is not directly facing the player's position at the moment of disconnection C.) It must not be confusable with immersive game play indicators. ===================================================== I would not limit the solution to the problem by solely suggesting my own method of Disconnection Indication, so instead I have listed the problem, purpose, and the parameters relating to it. It also may be impossible for the developers to fulfill all parameters. When it comes to this problem, SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING. I am sure you all have recognized this problem while playing this game. Perhaps there is something I haven't thought of, so we can also use this thread to refine/discuss the Parameters. If you have nothing other to add, voicing your recognition of the problem is appreciated. ===================================================== My own idea to fulfill the parameters: A bold beam of color that reaches from sea level to the sky appears for a few seconds. A horizontal ring of color expands to a radius of 50 meters at a moderate pace before disappearing. A tone sounds audible to varying degrees within 200m.
  7. Mangler

    Banned from NY9

    I've never been kicked for being idle while waiting to join a game. I always end up in debug forest. In this case, however, I wasn't even waiting. For your reference, "Receiving Data" part is the first part of the spawning process that happens and it isn't the longest part. The "Receiving Data" window wasn't up for a whole minute before I was kicked both times. I also was never waiting in the lobby before attempting to spawn. I don't know how else I can say I wasn't idle. Would it have said "You have been kicked. (BattlEye: Idle)" if I had been kicked by BattlEye? That isn't the description I got when I was kicked. Anyway, I've done my part in reporting this issue. I'll leave it to the DayZ staff.
  8. Mangler

    Banned from NY9

    Well, it's either chicanery or bugs then. I wasn't idle.
  9. Right after I was killed on NY9 - I was kicked and banned. I assume the admin wanted to loot my body in safety and was hoping I didn't remember what server I was on. Either way, I didn't violate any rules and it's clear the admin doesn't care for the rules. The player name I was using was "thisisformatilda" Thanks. Time line of events: 1) Get shot coming out of a grocery store 2) Get "You have been kicked" message while receiving data for my next spawn 3) Confirm it was NY9 I was on by reading the player list and comparing to several players I had remembered. 4) Attempt to rejoin - Connection fails 5) Attempt to rejoin - Get to "receiving data" and eventually receive another "You have been kicked" message.
  10. Mangler

    Spawn survivors with only a flashlight

    Starting with less items is definitely appealing to me. But as others have said: why the flashlight? I suppose you would have to have some light source for spawning at night time, but the flashlight is a much better light source than flares if you have no weapons. I wonder if players would begin trying to kill each other with tin cans and flares?
  11. Mangler

    [] No Loot

    Date/Time: 5/24/2012 10:45 P.M. What happened: I was crawling through Berezino and I hit six or seven loot spots, including a grocery store. There was absolutely no loot, not even tin cans. There were zombies, but no loot. I hit both industrial and general loot spots. The only exception to this strange occurrence is that there was a fuel tank part for vehicles in a shack. I asked in chat if anyone else was experiencing weird loot and a few people said yes, not sure whether they were being sarcastic. The server went down shortly after these events. It could be unrelated, the Chicago servers say they reset every six hours. Where you were: Southwest cluster of Berezino What you were doing: Looting. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Chicago 2 *Your system specs: [irrelevant] *Timeline of events before/after error: [irrelevant]
  12. Mangler

    Zip ties / Handcuffs

    If it's possible it should be done. Seems like you would need to add player animations, which wouldn't be easy. I'll leave this one here
  13. Mangler

    Server naming

    Standardizing Server names to include these bits of information should be done. Ideally it should be forced through code.