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About no2_punk

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    England, UK
  • Interests
    Shooting zombies
  1. no2_punk

    [suggestion] please add sleeping pills

    It's a good idea with the sleep pills or poison. Would make killing players for food have more risk element which is great. Plus, if you had consumable items taken from looting a player and you wanted to be safe, you could force someone to be a guinea pig with one serving of the item. Great idea. A lot better than the IED in backpack suggestion that seems to be being put forward lately.
  2. You can only fill canteen and waterbottle when in first person view. Just switch to First Person and roll your mousewheel to the fill canteen option.
  3. If the BEARD idea gets the greenlight, then they should also implement razors. Imagine finding some gandalf looking survivor, taking him prisoner, stealing all his gear and then shaving his beard before letting him go. He'd lose the will to live due to his loss of manhood/bragging rights :D
  4. Some minor character progression makes sense to add value to characters.So long as it isn't too drastic. Small stamina boost for example if encumbrance was added, then a strength stat allowing you to carry that full backpack without needing to sit every half click gained from surviving for multiple days whilst travelling so many km on foot. Also making death a greater threat, with some sort of timer before the next respawn. Nothing drastic but some sort of punishment for death (other than, oh no I lost my M4... off to NWAF again) would be good. Obviously the new spawn who gets KoS by a coastcamping loser would disagree but that is an issue with people and not game mechanics. I wouldn't expect it to be too long a wait, but enough to make you want to survive even if you have lost your top gear in a highjacking. If the respawn timer was implemented, then yes it would suck to be killed on the coast, but it would make you try to survive that coast camper, rather than just give up and respawn elsewhere in an instant.
  5. I think Venthos doesnt want his email on the forums like that, to avoid spambots. Do him a favour mirza and edit your post.
  6. no2_punk

    Worst Heli squad of all time

    haha great stuff. I can't believe they didnt notice.
  7. It's a good idea and makes there more to play for. Would it also be possible on the current engine to add in fuel siphoning function? Say you roll up on an enemy vehicle stash, you could siphon all their fuel from the tank of the vehicle(s) into jerry cans to keep your superior vehicle gassed up. Also makes the bicycle more appealing. I'd love to see the mountain bike from arma2 included, rather than the ancient rusty granny bike we currently have.
  8. There was a mod (maybe on Lingor?) where you could attach the military flashlight to the chest or something, so you could have it on whilst using a rifle/pistol. That would be a nice feature for Redux, and make it worthwhile hunting out a military flashlight, rather than it just being a different coloured light with less spill. I'd be happy with this being added, and the standard flashlight left as a uselss kill me beacon :D
  9. I walked with the flashlight for a few hundred metres, but it was too tense. Plus it's bedtime here in the UK (best excuse ever!)
  10. Chernarus is dark tonight! Did you alter the lighting or is it just a really foggy night? My whole screen was black except the compass. Granted I'm low on blood but that was ridiculous and a little too scary for me. :blush: As for desync, whatever tweaks you made seem to have done it good. Didn't experience any in the short time I played with 0.2.5. :beans: I will be back on in the morning and see how it is then, when there will probably be more survivors on.
  11. Sad to see drinking and driving has been removed >:( Keep up the good work Venthos. Wish I still had my M4A1 CCO now though.
  12. What Arma 2 Beta version are you on? You need the latest beta patch too. EDIT: Well maybe not the latest beta as it seems there is a newer one out. I think Redux is running beta 97810 at the moment. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  13. Good work Devil. I'm sure everyone will be checking the passenger seats in future. :rolleyes:
  14. I second Papa Duck's point. A skin that matches the terrain better would be a step towards making tents hideable. Especially from choppers flying overhead. The few tents I have found on the server during my travels have been hidden amongst the branches of carnifor trees, but still stand out like a sore thumb due to the light green/yellow textures the current tent skin has. Or instead of a change to the tent's texture, perhaps a new item could be implemented? The camouflage netting from the military tents would be good for placing over an existing tent or parked vehicle. Although it doesn't do much if someone passes by on foot, it would protect camps/vehicles from the eyes in the sky. Probably more tricky than a texture change though.
  15. The idea of more enterable buildings is interesting. Would breathe some new life into Chernarus. I gave the Panthera mod a go today and some of the buildings in that are a lot more interesting than the Chernarus architecture. I would like to see some of them assets used on ChernarusRedux. Please turn Otmel into a small town. It would be good to have some large buildings on the north side of it, to provide cover from pesky snipers on the south coast. And it would be nice to have a reason to visit the place other than for the thrill of a short paddle in the marshes.