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About deceitfulphoenix

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    A Gingerbread House
  1. deceitfulphoenix

    [AUS] Hero Group

    Howdy, just wondering if anyone that plays on the AU severs specifically the BB Vanilla ones was in the midst of looking for a somewhat hero orientated group. No real requirements aside from maybe a microphone Tend to vary between Skype and TS but prefer TS though so having either/both will make it easier. Any takers?
  2. Going to make a wild guess and say that it's not coming out in June :P
  3. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    Keep in mind this was available before the new year
  4. deceitfulphoenix

    Don't even make third-person an option for DayZ standalone

    I think Rocket chose to leave it in because it allows you have an almost 180 degree FOV similar to that in real life. Can't remember where he said it though think it was on reddit a while back. Also I find it humorous how people make such a big deal of it being an advantage when it isn't, sure it allows people to see over walls and around corners without exposing themselves but everyone has the same ability allowing everyone to use it. The simple fact is that if you don't like it play first person only or go onto a server with first person only. It seems that all that this thread is is people continuously whinging that it should be in or it shouldn't be in. The way they have it now caters to eveyone. Don't like 3rd person? Go to a first person server. Like 3rd person? Stay on the normal servers and for the love of god. Stop bitching
  5. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Don't get me wrong I am just as hyped for this game as anyone else and I hate having to wait in the dark but there are people on here that don't seem to acknowledge the fact that making a video game is not an easy task to accomplish and just outright whine because they didn't get things the way they wanted.
  6. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    There seems to be a horde of misinformed brick walls in this topic. Rocket NEVER said it will be done by December, NEVER. He did say that he hoped for a December release. This man has dedicate all year to making a game, he only returned home a week ago for the first time this year. He poured his heart and soul into the game to make it what it is. Without him and the dev team there wouldn't be a game at all. Be grateful, it will get you a long way
  7. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Does he have a number where I can contact him? There is a certain rabbit I need to disappear
  8. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    And you're ungrateful and have a heart black as coal. Have you ever developed a game? No, you haven't it's no where near as easy as you think and Rocket didn't go back on his word he simply stated that he hoped for a december release
  9. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Unless you know something we don't (Or are not exactly allowed to know), I suggest changing the date for release to stop people from misunderstanding
  10. deceitfulphoenix

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Did they carry the one?
  11. deceitfulphoenix

    To Shoot or not to shoot; how do you decide?

    In all seriousness, I flip a coin
  12. deceitfulphoenix

    What did I get killed by?

    Like others have said before the gun that killed you was most definitely a DMR. He may have missed the first and capped you on the second shot or given you two quick body shots. He may have been a great distance away but the DMR can also hit from very close range and still do it's job.
  13. deceitfulphoenix


    This may be the stupidest problem ever but I have seen on youtube and on friends screen that the text in DayZ when battleye intervenes is red mine is just plain grey. Like I said a small but annoying problem . Any help is appreciated
  14. deceitfulphoenix

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    You seem to not understand the fact that magically this guy obtained 26 Satchel Charges without a single one being taken from a tent or dead body. With the spawn rate of satchel charges it is almost impossible for someone to obtain that many satchel charges in an entire day yet somehow he had that many within 3 hours? Also the op has two threads in which the stories are continuously changing. This doesn't seem odd? People had complained about people teleporting around and killing people yet when the op and friends are kicked there is no suspicious activity on the server whatsoever. This doesn't seem just a little suspicious? Even the op mixes up the amount of satchels on several occasions.
  15. deceitfulphoenix

    Die as a Bandit.. Be a Bandit again

    Have you not listened to a word people have said? If you die as a bandit you WILL respawn as one due to humanity carrying over after death