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Posts posted by joshfitzpatrick

  1. I would be up for it but the practise everyday thing might be an issue due to medical engagements and things such as college but I can usually play about 2 hours a day and weekdays and 4 and up on weekends. I am 19 but my voice makes me sound slightly younger but this is due to mother nature not been very kind I have played day since last august I have a mic and my Skype is josh.fitzpatrick17 and I am from the UK

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  2. use dayz commander instead that one updates everything including arma btw I do recommend getting arma 2 full price and not free because the arma 2 free will make dayz look worse due to the limited textures of the lite version just my opinion.

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  3. You're Age: 19

    What times Do You play: During the day weekends 6-7 hours Weekdays :3-4 hours

    Skype Name: josh.fitzpatrick17

    Bandit/Hero: Either I like to play either way

    Wich Role Do you Prefer To play: No preference which ever role that the team needs

    ps: I don't like to play serious unless I need to defend the group I also wont be able to play exclusively with you due to having many different friends that I play dayz with and I also only stay with some groups if I am enjoying my time if I am not I wont play.
