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Everything posted by joshfitzpatrick

  1. joshfitzpatrick

    Dayz Friends

    im looking for friends to play dayz you just need to speak good English add me on Skype josh.fitzpatrick17
  2. joshfitzpatrick

    Mature UK Gamer - Need partner!

    I would be up for it but the practise everyday thing might be an issue due to medical engagements and things such as college but I can usually play about 2 hours a day and weekdays and 4 and up on weekends. I am 19 but my voice makes me sound slightly younger but this is due to mother nature not been very kind I have played day since last august I have a mic and my Skype is josh.fitzpatrick17 and I am from the UK
  3. joshfitzpatrick

    Arma 2 free+OA=Dayz?

    use dayz commander instead that one updates everything including arma btw I do recommend getting arma 2 full price and not free because the arma 2 free will make dayz look worse due to the limited textures of the lite version just my opinion.
  4. joshfitzpatrick

    Group of 4 "UK"

    You're Age: 19 What times Do You play: During the day weekends 6-7 hours Weekdays :3-4 hours Skype Name: josh.fitzpatrick17 Bandit/Hero: Either I like to play either way Wich Role Do you Prefer To play: No preference which ever role that the team needs ps: I don't like to play serious unless I need to defend the group I also wont be able to play exclusively with you due to having many different friends that I play dayz with and I also only stay with some groups if I am enjoying my time if I am not I wont play.
  5. joshfitzpatrick

    How will DayZ Standalone be sold?

    no not EA origins that system is terrible and then we would have to deal with EA'S terrible support and they might make the dayz creators make the game EA wants all in all steam Is the best way to go
  6. joshfitzpatrick

    Looking for someone to play with.

    I wouldn't mind playing with you add me on Skype josh.fitzpatrick17
  7. joshfitzpatrick

    Looking For a group

    if you want somebody fun then add me I don't play seriously unless I need to I care about the safety of my group if you wanna play anytime add me of Skype josh.fitzpatrick17
  8. joshfitzpatrick

    Looking for origins partner :)

    sent a request
  9. joshfitzpatrick

    survivor group!

    Age: 19 Steam ID: speed1041 Headset: Yes Amount played per day:4 hours and more Country: England Skype: josh.fitzpatrick17
  10. joshfitzpatrick

    Wanting friends to play DayZ/origins with

    ive sent a friend request :)
  11. I play all these apart from cod bf and cs so just arma and dayz add me on Skype josh.fitzpatrick17
  12. joshfitzpatrick

    Looking for people to play with

    hey im 19 (I sound younger than I am witch is annoying)from England been playing dayz for about a year and I play regular and have been waiting for somebody to play origins with I will add you on Skype
  13. i would like to play dayz casually not seriously today so if any british players want to play for fun preferably between the ages of 16 and 19 that have sype want to play add me on skype at josh.fitzpatrick17 im 19 btw i made the skype and it had 19 taken already
  14. any body from the uk want to play dayz tonight
  15. i need some british time zone players between 15 and 21 years of age and you obviously need sype to communicate
  16. joshfitzpatrick

    Need british time zone dayz players

    thanks ill check it out
  17. joshfitzpatrick

    Need british time zone dayz players

    hey man thanks ive sent you a friend request
  18. joshfitzpatrick

    Need british time zone dayz players

    not really looking for serious player im lookign more casually and i dont have the skills your after that you posted on the link i might have a look in the future