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About Stefan12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Stefan12

    Community Banned?

    Oh didn´t know that. Thanks for making me aware. Seems i will have to wait a bit for an answer then.
  2. Stefan12

    Community Banned?

    My GUID got put on the community ban list for some reason i don´t know. I can not play on servers which use it. Means i can literally play on almost no servers at all. I made a ban appeal about it and asking to see the proof but nobody has replied yet. Here is the link. http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/issues/detail?id=2130&sort=-id&start=100
  3. Stefan12

    Community Banned?

    5 days are gone and nobody has replied my ban appeal but a bunch of submitted bans are made. Who can say they are all legitimate? Anyway, since it seems nobody will reply ever by reading other ban appeals does anyone know a name of an admin who i can talk to and who has access to this community ban list? Thanks in advance.
  4. Stefan12

    Community Banned?

    Thanks everyone for leading me to the right side for the ban appeal. Trying it there now.
  5. Stefan12

    Community Banned?

    Havn´t downloaded anything other than the addons using the sixupdater.
  6. Hi It seems i got globally banned from DayZ but don´t know why. When i join a DayZ server i get the following message. battleye: admin ban (w 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938 My GUID: 6b5a2fc1312e7ffb94ac660fa304386b I havn´t played DayZ much and the last thing i can remember was i joined a server (don´t know which one), got killed a few times when i finally found a weapon just to make my way to the forest and disconnected. Some weeks later i tried to join Dayz again just to see that my GUID got put on the community ban list. I´m asking for an unban as i didn´t used any cheats/scripts while playing and my ArmA CD key is legit and i didn´t used any program which could have stolen my CD key. Also i´m asking who banned me and i would like to see the evidence the admin has provided to get me banned.