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About bungle225

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Sounds like a fun server I may try it with a couple of friends but were old farts in our 40s hope thats ok. I normaly use play with 6 tyo find servers is there a name for your server to type in like us 2365. I just died last night to hackers so have no gear to talk off, I know my mate has some NV goggles and a gillie suit he took off a dead player not sure if there legit or not what happens if he trys to join your server with them. I know he would lose them if needed but did not want to see him accused of hacking/get banned etc. Anyway were a friendly bunch and as were old no good at PVP what so ever but can buy you bear in the supermarket:)
  2. bungle225

    Favorite Military Spawns.

    I found a set of NVG on a Military Zombie from crash site. I like Stary myself but do end peeing myself waiting on that sniper shot to ring out:)
  3. So joined a server last night with my 5 day old survivor had some ok gear GMS, M4A12, Glock few other trimmings. I then hear a Chopper before I could even run for cover I got turned into a goat then picked up by the said Chopper and dropped from a great height to my death!!. I respawn thinking I will try to get my gear back take 2 steps and fall off a cliff that was not there. The server was just going mad and in the bottom left was just spamming deaths before I logged out. Pain in the butt getting killed like tha but I had to giggle at the chopper goat bomb:). So whats the weirdest shit you have seen from hackers?
  4. Hi All I have only been playing for around a month with two other mates but came across a weird bug last night. Our little grp had been alive for 7-10 days and picking up nice gear from crash sites, barracks even a couple of dead snipers. Then my Mate acidently killed me with an axe even though I was 10 feet behind him :) (this is not the bug yet). Anyway I spawn and see a broken car with loads of gear in it so decide to nick all the said gear , gillie suit,NV,as50, tents,satchel charges, suppressed side arms the works then all hell breaks lose and the ambush is unleashed I manage to get away and 15 mins later after losing my would be killers logg out but not before telling my Friends about a car filled with gear. Next night I logg on grp up with my mates for them to tell me "we looted your body last night next to that car you mentioned" I logg in but I'm still alive with all my gear intact and meet up with my mates wearing identical gear from my other dead corpse. Anyone else had this weird bug or an even weirder one?. Anyway loving DayZ cant wait for stand alone version to come out as we have had some weird shit go on:) Back to the beans around our camp fire:)