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Everything posted by zealot644

  1. QFT. Ignore those other two idiots.
  2. Was with a buddy of mine. We saw a survivor load in and we took a few close range shots at him with them all being hits. He was obviously injured and bleeding, and we continued shots on him as he ran up before spinning around and firing back. We shot him more, hitting him for sure, and instead of him dying we both immediately dropped dead for no reason. We were behind solid cover when we died with no possible way for him to have hit us. Server was US123 and the player's name was Brian.
  3. zealot644

    M4 holo SD?

    I found a hacker's body full of satchel charges and had some fun camping a fire hall one night. I know it's using hacked items, but I used them up within an hour and had fun. I dont hack, nor do I support it...But to hell with just letting something like that go. Seriously OP, keep that shit...You can find M4's with the camo and holo sights, who gives a crap if you have some hacked one of the same gun that just looks different. You arent promoting hacking... Just use it, you'll die, it'll eventually be lost and irrelevant.
  4. zealot644

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    Happened to me. Bump.
  5. zealot644

    Question about "shock"

    I've been in shock before from a zombie and I logged off. Logged back in and was KO'd when somebody came up and shot me. It only happened once, but I was just sitting there like "Effing really? Sigh."
  6. zealot644

    That feel when...

    You put five AK rounds into the torso of somebody while they are looking to the side and as they begin turning you step around the corner, only to be one hit K.O'd through the wall due to lag and have them survive long enough to finish you off. Run a long distance being careful to avoid survivors. First one you find close quarters blows half a magazine on you despite saying over the mic that you are unarmed and have no intentions of hurting them. Finally reach the outskirts of a town only to take a rifle round to the chest and die. Avoiding an obvious trap only to walk face first into the sights of a sniper on your alternative route. A zombie breaks your leg with only a single hit. The first time you are hit by a zombie you begin bleeding profusely but cannot bandage it due to the impending horde. You finally find a good weapon only to be killed by somebody spawning in the building out of sight. You are close to another armed player. Having nothing, you reach to a nearby gun or corpse with a gun and pick it up, but your character refuses to actually pick the gun up without going through a 10 second animation process which cannot be stopped. Then being shot because your character lacks coordination. Breaking a bone and having to crawl a large distance, only to get shot the moment you find morphine. Zombies pulling through multiple layers of 'cover' (walls) despite your slow and quiet movement. Share your feels...
  7. Your closet. Come find me, I've got some sticky loot for you...
  8. zealot644

    CZ 550 Help.

    CZ is a poor man's sniper rifle. It's MY poor man sniper rifle. Dont you talk shit about it.
  9. zealot644

    Hearing church bells?

    I think it might be the town hall actually. My friends and I call it the 'Dinner Bell'. It'd be neat if it drew in a large horde of zombies towards the center of the city.
  10. zealot644

    DayZ Stories

  11. zealot644

    Skins and your kins

    I had highlander face paint (william face) for a while with aviator shades that reflected in the dark (floating shades ftw) It was amusing.
  12. zealot644

    DayZ Stories

    Good read! I smirked at the end. Sometimes revenge is the most satisfying thing.
  13. Shot somebody. Coyote Backpack MK MOD 0 LMG 400 rounds M1911 w/5 mags Tons of medical supplies and various other ammo. NVG's, Range Finder 10 satchel charges Is having that many legit? My friend killed the same guys pal and got roughly equal gear and charges... I dont want to walk around with this hacked stuff, but on the other hand setting up a satchel charge ambush is very tempting in its own right.
  14. zealot644

    So...I've acquired 10 Satchel Charges

    Alright. I think I'll give 'em a go at some point. May as well use them.
  15. zealot644

    So...I've acquired 10 Satchel Charges

    I figured hacked/duped. I really am tempted to just use them all in one go for the lulz. Arm a fire hall with those babies and just laugh when somebody walks inside.I dont condone hacking or cheating with anything, but now that I have them I want to put them to use just for pure hilarity, but not duping for any more than what I have. Opinions?
  16. Was playing on Chicago 39 with two friends. A player named Faelin was located on top of a building. We shot him and killed him, but a minute later he was back and sniped out one of us. I shot him again, then he reappeared to snipe me... Then we killed him AGAIN, and AGAIN (the one remaining friend) and then AGAIN. We killed him FIVE times (and counting) and he kept respawning. I am unsure of whether this is hacks or an admin abusing his power somehow, but he had a nifty AS50 sniper rifle according to my buddy who looted one of his bodies and now camps the roof where he keeps respawning.
  17. zealot644

    Rampant Hacking

    Got nuked by someone the other week but made a thread and he was taken care off. Felt good. Recently got picked off through a concrete wall. Was in a fire hall as bullets came through a red door ahead of me (from my right). I ran backwards towards the stairs that go up because overall it is more secure (no doors to be opened, can hide from windows). I got hit again through closed doors as I ran to the stairs, and once around a corner and under them with concrete between me and the direction of the shots, they still poured through for a good 10 seconds before finally hitting me. I was UNDER the window and prone...You cant tell me that LoS is why I died unless the guy was magically hanging onto the window.
  18. Yes, just try and make Mak's a tad common around small towns and such.
  19. zealot644

    Ghillie Suits Good to Wear?

    I found TWO ghillie suits yesterday. This was after one on an earlier patch ended up losing all of my shit when I spawned in the ocean. I want to wear it, but does anybody know if there is a fix yet to the skin bugs?
  20. I know all about the realism in that players shouldnt look different if they kill people. But I remember back when survivors tended to not immediately shoot other survivors, and that bandits were KoS. Since everybody has become a survivor, it's simply KoS now for everybody...Too many times have I typed 'Friendly?' and been shot in the middle of typing.
  21. Short Answer: No, never Long Answer: No, never Dont buy a PC just for this game - buy it for all of them. It's better anyways. I dont want ANOTHER series ruined by what is essentially console faggotry and dumbing down for the cawadoody masses. Too many things I used to enjoy have been destroyed so that they can be more popular, so I'd like to keep a few pleasures in terms of video games.
  22. zealot644

    Dat Story Thread

    Playing with two of my pals working our way through the NW Airfield. One buddy with his Lee Enfield picked off somebody on the way in, one of two guys who took shots at us from a field (then the server restarted -.-), and then one final guy across the runway hiding under a rock. We heard a faint whisper of some people talking, obviously through direct comm. We looked around for them and I saw from the fire hall window three guys crawling towards it from the back. 14 rounds later, all three were dead to my hand. We moved on, finding an M4CCO at one barracks and then moving to the other. Once approaching the other, a zombie got pulled through complete BS - One tick on visibility and sound, from behind a wall 10 feet away. We had to shoot it, which drew in a larger horde and basically locked us in position temporarily. Right as we cleaned up the zombies, we were opened upon and whoever it was triple killed us. Everything was going so well until that one stupid zombie managed to stop us long enough for a guy to catch up and shoot us. Damn upsetting I tell you! Share your stories. Specifically 'good gone bad' stories.