Name: Henry Lee How did you hear of us? The Teamspeak. Why do you wish to join us I would like to join as I enjoy playing with people that strongly love a game and play it the way its intended. Also I'd like to join you as I want to be apart of a team for DayZ so I can teach my skills and learn new skills. Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ Yes, I am and will use proper skills just like the real military and militia. Ranger, Soldier or Citizen Wherever you can fit me in. I am good with a sniper and being a medic. Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized Yes, I will work as a team and stay as a team and not go on solo missions or anything like that unless instructed. Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President I swear over my mothers grave. Skype: Strikerhenryl