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About UNB

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Role-playing, Drawing up fake maps, Sketching up them fancy lil drawings of mine, Enjoying a nice cold glass of good Root Beer, Staring, DayZ.

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  • Bio
    I am a 17 year old young man, I only just recently got my Learner's Permit and am currently in the process of learning how to drive. Of course this does nothing for my shitty piloting/driving in DayZ. Then again, you don't need a license to drive/fly in DayZ. Anyway, high schooler, blah blah blah.
  1. My first contact went relatively well, I first off spawned in the middle of nowhere, forests and everything. So, I decide to go and explore the surrounding area for any sort of lootable houses. Being a very wary and cautious player, I proceeded to prone all the way down the shrouded hill into a town. And as I stepped out of the bushes, I saw two players. Being a new player and all I have read up on such things as Bandits, so I see one with bandit gear. I stare at them both, and am simply paralyzed as one of them as an AK-74u, and the other holds out an M1911 Colt Pistol. Sooner or later, the other turns around and notices me, he walks up to me and checks me for weapons (Which I obviously don't have), after a few tense moments, the other asks me if I can talk on the mic. After trying to figure out how to talk on the mic, I talk with them for a bit, and they agree to pull me along. So I tag along with them, loot myself a Double-Barrel, when I should have actually gotten the Winchester instead, and proceed into Chernogorsk. No less then ten minutes in, one of them spots a ghillied sniper in the hills, so we book it and zip-line all the way back down the hill. All of a sudden, boom, the bandit guy goes down and I'm left with the other guy. So, skipping all the evasions and paranoia of a sniper in the hills. We book it into the city, and oh beknown to us, the sniper followed us in. The next few minutes were one of the most hilarious I have ever seen. Both of us stalk a player, guy throws smoke grenade into church, other guy is actually in the courtyard next to us. Boom, guy gets killed, other guy shoots at me meanwhile screaming "I'm going to kill you! Raaaaagh!" or something like that. Sniper dude comes out of nowhere (After of course I lured tens upon hundreds of zeds into the courtyard to kill off angry dude, Sniper comes in and attempts to shoot me, I say nay and cripple him with my double barrel. Afterwards, I run out of ammo and use the zeds as my peons. Whilst they feasted on my friends, a guy with a hatchet comes up and chases me, whilst I scream "DONT GO INTO THE COOOURTYAAAARD!". Of course, he aims to kill me, so I aim to kill HIM with my TRAP of zombies. So he follows me, still a good number of zombies, then I suppose his friend comes out of nowhere and blows my face away. But I laugh as they loot the bodies and zombies swarm them. I died happily, respawned, relooted, stalked bandits/players alike. And now I am UNB, savior of myself, killer of self-defense.
  2. Medical Issue(s) - Low Blood (In need of Blood Bag), Broken Bone (In need of Morphine) Location - NW of Chernogorsk (Past Vysota, stranded in the middle of a forest near Ozerko) Server - Currently Offline, US 2748 HFB Servers Steam Name - Rawrbars1 (UNB, Noemi Laporte, many name changes, lul.) Medic - XxSC4RECR0WxX Rating - 10/10 Comments - Looooved hiiiiiiim, Mister Scarecrow, danke sehr.
  3. UNB

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, my name is Rawrbars (UNB ingame). I enjoy trolling zombies, avoiding bandits, stalking bandits, getting killed by bandits, getting loot from delapidated buildings, and in general stalking players to ensure they aren't out to kill me and take my shit. Anyway, hello, I love DayZ. For the game.