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Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

  1. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    What should i do?

    Hello everyone, so at the beginning of dayz i though it would be fun to hack, so i get a certain hack off the interenet and shortly after got banned So after many hours of trying to get a new cd i read somewhere that i have to rebuy the game again. So eventually i get around to it and i do. So before this happens i remove my hacks, because i dont want to have any chance of being banned again. So i go into Dayz Commander, and play for roughly 3 hours over (with some breaks). Then after a break i get a message saying that it cant access dayz, and that the directory files are messed up. So i try to fix them and same problem. So then i decide to go through six updater, and it says i have to update it. So i update the new patch, yada yada and then i hop onto my main server. As i log in i got another global ban, i exited out and tried to go through dayz commander and now its working, so i launch it up on a different server and i still had the global ban, what should i do now? I dont want to rebuy the damn game again.
  2. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    What should i do?

    Thats the thing though, I wasnt even the type the blew up a server, i was the kind that helped out ppl if they rlly needed it. And plus like i said i completely uninstalled it, I DID already rebuy the game, it was fine then i got another global ban when i updated AO to the latest patch
  3. was this on the newest update on dayz where in says the "Not in Combat" thing? If so it pro***ly i glitch within that, because if you exit the game while you are "in combat" (when you shoot a bullet, or another person shoots a bullet near you) you are supposed to die. And lol i guess try to bandage youself if your bleeding, sorry thats all i can think of :/
  4. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Thank You to the DayzMod Community! Outbreak Diaries success

    Ok now I have a small recording but now the small problem is getting it off my phone when iTunes keeps screwing it up for me lol. Keeps crashing as soon as I open it or after syncing :/ so if you pm me an email it may be a little faster/better
  5. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Thank You to the DayzMod Community! Outbreak Diaries success

    @DrFree_Man Make this an ongoing series and including people would make the storyline interesting. I'll be getting those samples to you by tonight, sorry for such the delay I have football.
  6. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Thank You to the DayzMod Community! Outbreak Diaries success

    Sorry for the late response been a little busy but yea i'm serious about helpong out lol. Gimme some time and sure i guess i can give you some line :P
  7. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Thank You to the DayzMod Community! Outbreak Diaries success

    That 5 minute video is better than most of the machinima's ive seen combined. You have my beans lol, and just sayin if you ever need an extra character feel free to pm me, id be awesome to be in something like this.
  8. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Looking For Others

    Being 100% new to this, i'm looking to see if anyone wants to team up and run for a bit. I got skype, but for now my mic is unavailable so ill be using my computer mic. Now, i know half of the people reading arent going to band together with me, probably because i'm 13, but please hear me out on this. People usually mistake me for someone in their 30's (I have a pretty deep voice) so i can assure you i'm pretty mature. Anyways, ARMA is pretty much done downloading so if your a newer/older player that wants to hook up with a complete noob at this, feel free to pm me. Also it doesnt have to just be one person, it can be a group of players. Also for ping and such, i'm located in the US so id prefer if you were from there, but anyone across the pond is welcome. Also pm me for my skype.
  9. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Brand new player LFG

    WreckingHavoc is my steam name and i gotta dig up my skype password somewhere gimme a second..
  10. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Brand new player LFG

    complete noob here :P i got someone who posted on my topic for the same thing lets get a group going (P.S im 13 but not the typical kind, i have a deep voice and im usually mistaken for a 30 yr old)
  11. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Looking For Others

    EST you wanna group up?
  12. Ritzyhalo (DayZ)

    Double post sorry

    how would i delete this?