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Everything posted by jaymacca

  1. jaymacca

    Team Avolition hacking on dayz

    There's nothing ignorant about people wanting less dickbags scripting in DayZ, what's your problem anyway, are you friends with these "things"?
  2. jaymacca

    NZ 04 Regular Server Orcon

    Skddies looooove those Orcon servers due to the fact that the moderators don't even care enough to moderate it unless it's anything else other than scripting (understandable to a degree, but still...), best times I've found to play are during the day up until at least 7pm weekdays and early in the day on weekends as most of the time it's tools from overseas that visit and cause shit just because the moderation is non-existent, no where near as shitty as it used to be but it still happens, but seeing as school holidays are pretty much upon us it's only going to get worse, so take your chances and don't get attached to your stuff as it's pretty much inevitable you'll be next. It's only pro-active people such as yourself who can get the ball rolling, keep your fingers crossed and if you can remember, post their names if you happen to catch it, makes things move just that bit faster.
  3. jaymacca

    Dayz Serial Key Problem

    Sounds like he didn't log out of your account after all and is playing your games, change your password and he will have no choice but to use his own account (this isn't a serial key problem), just because he's a friend doesn't mean he isn't shady... try it, I reckon that's what's happening, other than that I can't see what else can be done.
  4. jaymacca

    DayZ needs more guns

    Take a look at this list and then tell me we need more guns. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons In fact, check out the rolling changelog for the next update. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103845-rolling-changelog-for-community-builds/
  5. jaymacca

    Tanktraps, wirekits and sandbags.

    I say remove the items until they actually serve a purpose other than to troll people, I can't really make sense of what you mean by making the menu operate from one side, how on earth do you get out and back in without having to server hop? My other suggestion would be to make it so you can't fortify buildings other than from the outside. But to be perfectly honest troll wire, lol bags and troll traps need to just go away... for ever.
  6. jaymacca

    Mass Global Ban Hack?

    Came across a script the other day that hit our server, upon logging out the screen would go black with the message "No Quitting" and insta kill you, this was after the in-game video had played through another script.
  7. jaymacca

    Hacker on several servers

    Follow this, it helps pin point cheaters better: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5297-cheat-report-guidelines-updated-927/
  8. Player Name: InsaNE Server: NZ 06 ( [Regular][uTC+9] dayzmod.com - hosted by Orcon
  9. jaymacca

    NZ 25 vetran Orcon

    He'll get his soon enough, you won't hear about it here though, it will eventually reach Battleye and chances are, in the next ban wave, it will hit him.
  10. jaymacca

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Under the bridge, where he sleeps and concocts.
  11. jaymacca

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Leave it out, it was game breaking in the right hands and to be perfectly honest I got bored of how easy it was to spot and kill unwary people (wheres the challenge of you can see them so easily), if it must remain then swap it out with one that has a normal scope - ACOG or SUSAT x4.
  12. jaymacca

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Beans need to have the chance to make you randomly fart within 10 mins of consumption, imagine the possibilities, imagine the comedy. Thanks for the update Dean.
  13. jaymacca

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It's a little more complicated than that bud, a heck of a lot more complicated.
  14. jaymacca

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Do you know what a troll is?
  15. jaymacca

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I can understand wanting to keep those ideas held close, the advent of the atrocious pile of crap that is WarZ (seriously? even the name is reworked) is living proof of the lengths some will go just to try an usurp an original idea from someone else. Makes me wonder if this makes one paranoid and not want to show anything because of this, I know I wouldn't in the face of this, no matter how much I wanted too. Hanging on for news, but no news is OK at this point, still excited.
  16. jaymacca

    Hacker Attacks The Legend of BDB Private Hive

    I'm seriously mystified that people continue to derive enjoyment from scripting in DayZ anymore, especially when A) They pay for these scripts and B) They stand a high chance of getting their game key banned.
  17. That's a good thing though, as much as I love Chenarus, I know the map like the back of my hand to the point where I very rarely need a map any more and the change to the city layouts via adding more interiors is something that I can't wait to experience, I love me a bit of urban warfare.
  18. jaymacca

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Can't wait to see something, WarZ can pinch all the ideas they want, that game is horrific, I pissed myself laughing the first time I saw a WarZ zombie moving towards me... that's not supposed to happen.
  19. I agree on a status update to get us DayZ freaks to shut up, so I've decided to make up that earlier I smelled a Rocket update by the very end of the week at the latest, just to give us some indication that he is still alive and well while making his/our dreams come true. /patientface
  20. Typical skiddie who can't aim to save himself, thank fuck there's a new CoD game in a few weeks to hopefully lure them away so they can rage at complete strangers on kidbox live. Have fun with the assmunch skiddies, I zig zag in front of them abusing the shit out of them so they try to shoot me, this one time I had a skiddie with a golden revolver shooting either side of me because is overseas connection couldn't match my 21ms compared to his 150, but to be honest I think it was because he was totally shit to begin with.
  21. Not trying to nation bash, but how come it always seems to be Aussie kids that are scripting on kiwi servers?, many of them that I happen to come across more often than not are, I'm yet to come across a kiwi skiddie. I like how he goes all quiet after being confronted, I was harassing a hacker last week on a veteran server by asking what his name was, he first claimed that he couldn't hear me, then he goes all quiet after I repeat my question, runs off a few feet in front of me, the proceeds to teleport away. Comes back 5 mins later and asks why I want to know his name so I said "Because I'm frapsing our conversation mate, you're gonna be famous" - teleports away again lol. Sociopaths.
  22. jaymacca

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Some of the best suggestions and changes are gathered from player feedback, complaining about something is but one way to get the message across no matter how annoying it may seem, it's good to be able to gauge just how good some ideas are, I'd rather people bitch and moan than say nothing at all. Complain till your heart is content I say.
  23. jaymacca

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Yeah I know how you feel, I don't get my new rig for another week and a bit, mine decided it was time to die yesterday, feels like someone just pulled my fucking teeth and now I'm relegated to my backup laptop that can't run shit.
  24. Sorry to be a bother, but just to clarify, does the updated UI control refer to the DayZ UI in game options and does this mean that the character status (hunger, blood, temp etc) show correctly when the debug UI is displayed? Thanks in advance, great work so far.
  25. jaymacca

    weird graphical glitches at night

    Either your gamma and brightness settings in-game or your monitors settings in general or both (which I'd guess is what you've changed to make it easier to see at night), also changing the HDR quality to help see better will give it a washed out effect increasing the brightness and cause some washout in visuals.