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About Goggalor

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    Georgia, USA
  1. Goggalor

    Hard face slap

    Can we have an animation where I can take off a glove and slap someone across the face with it? I am a classy gentleman and I want to start classy duels in a classy manner.
  2. It's about time. I've been wondering if you've noticed it yet. I figured you just ignored it. It made me laugh, so I threw it in my sig. I hope you don't mind.
  3. I sometimes get ~70fps when I look up at the sky.
  4. This game has taught me one thing: Scandinavia and Canada/Alaska look almost identical. Every time I guess Canada it's Sweden. Every time I guess Sweden it's Alaska.
  5. Goggalor

    Gun Lasers and Lights?

    The 870 has a flashlight, but most people avoid shotguns completely.
  6. Goggalor

    Magazine. Not clip.

    A little piece of me dies every time someone types 'peice' :/
  7. Goggalor

    DayZ Standalone Roleplay Servers

    There's nothing better than a well run RP server. I've never tried it in DayZ though (only tried a few Taki-Life servers and a minecraft server), but I imagine it would work quite well. I'm hoping some rp servers pop up once the standalone gets up and running.
  8. Goggalor

    The Greatest Ninja Bloodbag of All time

    That was beautifully tragic.
  9. Goggalor

    The Best Looking Gun?

    I have to agree with the CZ.
  10. Goggalor

    Tips on aiming?

    Patience is majorly important. Don't take a shot until you're positive you'll hit your target, always use your sights, try to take a knee or go prone when possible, and always make sure to catch your breath. If you've come up on an enemy that hasn't spotted you wait the extra minute to catch your breath. It can save your life.
  11. Goggalor

    Are Helicopters worth the effort?

    I find them to only be useful if I find one fully or very nearly fully repaired, but then again I'm a solo player, so I use to just fly around and maybe taxi people. I don't bother hiding them when it comes time to log off. I either leave them in an obvious place like Cherno/Elektro or crash them into buildings/cars/camps/other helis.
  12. Goggalor

    Modify your clothing to be a bad-ass.

    I just want to look like Mad Max. EDIT: Talk about a coinky-dink. Ninja'd by a fellow Mad Max fan.
  13. Goggalor

    DayZ - How to take down a heli

    I was hoping that we'd finally get that video of a guy taking down a heli with a makarov. Oh well, I guess I'll keep waiting.
  14. Goggalor

    Very mad friends

    Oh G000gle, did you ever know that you're my hero, and everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, 'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
  15. Goggalor

    Average FPS?

    I set everything mid to low and average about 30fps. i7-3632QM CPU GT 640M 2GB 6GB DDR3