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Fun With Flares

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Everything posted by Fun With Flares

  1. Fun With Flares

    Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

    Player name: Noah Ailment: Low blood, no bag. Holed up in a 2-door, 3-floor barn north of Cherno. Look for the guy with the Winchester and Czech pack. Server is @burningsilicon Anyone on now who can help is fine!
  2. Fun With Flares

    Favorite Dayz vehicle?

    The only car I've found is a hatchback, fully fixed and gassed up (hmm). I had the presence of mind to find a rock and do one of those Tobuscus-style "BWEEEEEEEEW"s before it exploded with me in it. Good times...
  3. Fun With Flares

    STATS and REWARDS !!!

    This is true, but it's a video game that isn't meant to be fun. It's your life out there, and they want it to feel that way. This ain't WOW, boy.
  4. Fun With Flares

    lee enfield in the nwa

    It's like that guy who killed me by drawing every zombie in a 50-yard radius to me by throwing a smoke at me. If that was you, I hate you, but well done.
  5. Fun With Flares

    Looking for a Canadian to play with!

    I am the BC Canadian, on at 4 weekdays and 9 weekends. SUP?
  6. This may be the single most awesome post on the forums. I need to go get another drink and change my shirt...
  7. Fun With Flares

    I'm having a difficult time

    Taking on 3 aggroed walkers... WITH A CROWBAR??
  8. Fun With Flares

    Could i play dayz from my ps3?

  9. Fun With Flares

    Logged back in after 5 months

    You survived hax! Well done my boi!
  10. Fun With Flares

    New player really needs help

    I'd help, but I'm literally on the other side of the continent, so sorry.
  11. Fun With Flares

    What? How? Seriously? FML

    This is true, but few things are as hilarious as circumventing someone's meticulously laid defenses by server-hopping.
  12. Fun With Flares

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm Noah in-game. If you need a suicide run for supplies or a good distraction, I'm your guy! (Really)
  13. Fun With Flares

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Thank God they fixed the zombie animations. Hit a zombie with a hatchet in a building SUDDENLY IT SPRINTS AT YOU and then it's dead.
  14. Fun With Flares

    ak 107 pso, is it a legit weopon?

    Now I'm thinking it's smart that I Alt-F4ed after that guy found me ransacking his tents. And by the way, is the GL AK better than the AK-107 PSO?
  15. Fun With Flares

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Make the zombies harder to deal with. Right now players are a problem, but zombies are a nuisance. If it's going to be zombies, it better be zombies big-time.
  16. Fun With Flares

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    I can imagine... Bandit puts up a paper saying "If you can see this, I can see you".
  17. Fun With Flares

    Realistic physics system & Underground spaces

    ME GUSTA THAT PHYSICS THINGY Although, he doesn't do a very good job of keeping himself upright when he jumps on stuff...
  18. Fun With Flares

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Either fix it so zombies can't go through without giving a shit, or remove until you can think of a good reason for the stuuf being there. Same thing with hedgehogs.
  19. Fun With Flares

    Need good tips for a starting medic

    Hathcet is a good primary for when you were going to heal someone and everything goes to crap. Use a G17 for dealing with zombies and light. If you're going to do something, do it quickly. Make sure whoever you want to heal won't murder you. Don't carry anything not directly related to your survival (Don't use any sort of barricade, fuel, odds and ends, etc.)
  20. Fun With Flares

    Tips for fighting in the bush

    I have an even more ingenious idea: stay out of the bush! There's nothing that I will ever need in there. Just saying.
  21. Fun With Flares

    DayZ Stories

    So I was derping around Cherno with a Makarov, and I was occasionally looking in the side chat for any sign of being detected. I had made a suicide run to one of the cranes when a guy in the side chat said those magic words: "Anyone need a chopper pickup?" I said yes. So I told him my location and waited. Soon I heard it coming and lit a flare (it was the dead of night) for him to see by. Suddenly shots rang out and it pulled up. I remember at the time I was scared out of my mind because I thought it was going to explode on me. I ended up runnung to the place where the shots had come from and whacking the bandit with a hatchet (he was a little distracted by the 12 or so zombies chewing on him). Then I ran to the chopper and the friendly pilot (his name was Bagbo Brapkins) and he took me to the NE airfield, where I was promptly shot. Ah well, it's good that I play for fun! :rolleyes: