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About fluidmist

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ...you would get your ass banned long time ago for insulting mods or devs in any other developing studio. instead shits like you get responses directly and yet you think it's okay to take developers time and effort away from the project just to personally wipe off your tears after being caught and banned for exploiting. Respect to rocket for his professionalism - he is like final frontier of this mod - try to walk in his shoes - if he fails to ban cheaters in short period of time - he's bad guy who doesnt care about community' date=' when he bans cheaters - he's bad guy. [/quote'] He confirmed that everything was done by a bot, but it's okay guys it's 100% legit there's no margin for error on these kinds of things honest. Now I can't play a game I paid for for not doing anything. Why should I kiss his boots? He's nothing but an amateur modder who fixes one thing and breaks 5 others. You could go back and review everything individually, but no, you see that takes too much effort, it's much better to just blanket ban everyone with a bot. Rocket (and his banana riding CMs)'s throne of shit is approaching Notch-level.
  2. Fuck this. If a douchebag like this works for BIS, i'm just going to do a chargeback on the copies I bought. I dont want to be associated with BIS by proxy.
  3. Rocket, how about stopping your personal vendetta with toggaf for 30 seconds and address actual issues and questions in this thread. God, this is getting so unprofessional. You are willingly falling for troll bait at this point.
  4. Still waiting to find out who to appeal to so I can have the ban lifted. Web address? E-mail address?
  5. - I did not ban you. - I cannot unban you. I mean' date=' what am I supposed to say? "Whoa, someone comes onto the forums and says they were banned by battleye!!! There must be an error". Even if I did think that, what am I going to do? Send my crack team of lawyers to do something about it? [/quote'] Then maybe you could tell the people who were swept up in the ban wave where to go to fix it, instead of acting glib and distant from the exact people that have been supporting you this whole time. Either that, or I'll just do a chargeback on my credit card for my copy and the 5 copies I got for some of my co-workers as gifts and advise everyone I know to do the same.
  6. I too would like to know why I am Global Banned. Not once have I used a hack or exploit. I would love to know why I have a global ban along with the people who were ruining the game. I guess they got what they wanted. Ruining the game for as many people as they could. I guess they just didnt plan on ruining it this way.
  7. Date/Time: After 8.4 came out What happened: FPS drop from 40-45 average down to 10-15 average Where you were: Any server What you were doing: Playing as usualy *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Several *Your system specs: See attachment *Timeline of events before/after error: N/A