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About Sqweebs

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  1. I've noticed so far that the range of surviving fall damage is quite shallow. I can fall off the seconed floor of a barn and live (broken legs and bleeding) but i fall from a short rock or hunting tower and immediately die. Don't know if this is a bug yet, but would be nice to know some of the not-so obvious places that others may have had vertically induced deaths.
  2. Sqweebs

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    So does anyone remember the random kicks related to create vehicle restriction #1? If that happens to anyone who isn't hacking it would kinda suck. Also i forget the one about crashing a helicopter that got me kicked and banned on my Clan's own server once we activated an anti-cheat. REALLY hope that doesn't happen when they activate the fly-swatter anti-cheat... P.S. Can't wait for the anti-cheat to be turned on though! :)
  3. And when the scripts they used worked on the basis from the old system.....huh.
  4. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    And such shall be viewed and evaluated. Got it. Thank you. Quit repeating the same points over and over again. Beating a dead horse will only diminish your point. The point couldn't be put any simpler. Thank you Ferns.
  5. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    As I see it then, both of you have little to no credibility. Apackof12Ninjas lied or was greatly misled by who you thought was an HFB associate, and scurvy said he banned you. He admitted to it and explained his reason as he saw it. As far as anyone is concerned this discussion is over. The evidence is out there on the post. Unless anyone is going to bring forward more physical evidence(video, screens, logs) we shall leave it to those who judge this sort of thing. Anything else just floods this forum with useless banter about "he pissed in my cheerios so I'll piss in his".
  6. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    *Applause* I more than agree that I, myself, am irrelevant. Your ability to state facts is immeasurable. Let me state a parallel fact. You are irrelevant too. This post is about a grievance, not us, not you. Your argument is baseless. ~Quant~'s defense is baseless. I happily accept your slander as it shows the basis for your character. I look forward to your evidence any time now.
  7. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    And I still await the evidence that proves this ban was made for that very reason. I can look at these textual posts saying you did this or he did that. But as stated before and even by the Global Forum Administrator, your evidence for this event is lacking. Also ~Quant~'s argument lacks physical evidence as well, but why would the necessity of providing logs be required for reporting and a server hosting company who only provides the hardware with installed software to not give its paying administrator the capability to view the logs. Logs, logs, logs, you say that it's not possible from HFB. I want to know who in HFB stated it or a convenient contact who can state this proof. Also, I didn't cite an instance for exploitation, but I thank you. You gave me the very evidence i needed for the comment you quoted with strikeouts about the definition of hypocrisy. Thanks for admission to "sploiting".
  8. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    I would ask the same of you. I would ask the same to the Forum administrator. I would ask the same to the members of ~Quant~ and the rest of the player community. Why would the relevance of my presence deter you? Do I threaten you? Because that is not my purpose. I like to play Dayz, and I like this server. Does it mean that I'm biased? Maybe. But, again, lets ask the question, "Why am I relevant?" I saw this post and was concerned for that activity of the server I had recently called home. Upon reading further there were holes in your argument. These holes couldn't possibly prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these events had happened other than providing sketchy videos and quotes. I'm tired of hearing the catchall "I heard this from a [friend] of a [friend]" or "My contacts in (fill in the blank) said". These are baseless cop-outs to sway a jury without provincial evidence and they make me sick. It was stated that this assault was planned, am I wrong? It was stated that this happened several times, am I wrong? Then please, by all means, enlightened me why no evidence other than reciting your own quotes, restating rules, and presenting lackluster videos and pictures are all I have. If I have acted beyond my rights of being in the Dayz community then I am willing to accept your opinion as so, and if the Forum Administrator think that my questions are out of line or are "Irrelevant" then a simple request to withdraw is all I need. However, if that is not the case, I want solid evidence. My relevance is unimportant.
  9. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    So again. Here you state yet another "contact" as means for your argument. Care to divulge contact information? As I do believe this to be public information as for the sale purposes of obtaining a server for use. I would like the name or maybe some contact information to be able to validate your claim as it is pertinent for your case.
  10. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    On a further note I state a definition: Harassment = n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.The purposes may vary, including racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious.(http://legal-diction....com/harassment). Keep this in mind during the argument. As stated, and submitted by Apackof12Ninjas via the video, states they found this location and purposefully assaulted this base repeatedly. Now I qoute the server hosting rules: "12. You are permitted to kick or ban for cheating/hacking/exploiting that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way, providing you have solid evidence." I can understand that the act of attacking a camp to gain an upper hand is well within the rights of the player(s) involved, but KNOWING that this base was to return on server reset and to continue this advance with the knowledge that they were not going to improve the situation any further by repeated attempts goes well beyond unnecessary malice. This camp, by questioning the party involved and not just the gathering of a one Scurvynuts' opinion, but a group of people not necessarily comprised of ~Quant~. Which begs to reason; Was this just a means of using exploits adherent to the game to one's personal emotional gain. Now i quote the post used as further evidence by the publisher of the video: "The planning for this actually started quite some time after we invited ~Quant~ to come play on our server Shiva Sanctuary 1 (a private hive) to which we were given....a condescending and somewhat insulting 'no thank you'." "We didn't go after Quants base camp for this reason alone. We did it because the opportunity presented itself." "At some point Scurvy logged in and reset the server twice after we left to recover what he had lost. We then rejoined the server and narrowly missed killing him. We then proceeded to destroy their base for a 2nd and 3rd time." The third quote strikes me the wrong way. They used an "exploit" to proceed to harass this one member, and possibly any other member that joined the server which is well within the server admin's right to kick or ban an individual. "As this is a public server and we broke no rules listed under the EULA or ones listed on Dayzmod.com" Referencing the Dayzmod.com forums Forum Roles and Rules: "Hypocricy:(Hypocrisy) Breaking rules to stop other rule breakers, or to prove a point. Just because they did it, doesn't mean you can do it as well, nor should you ban evade to prove a 'point'." In speaking with the server admin it is apparent that individuals supporting identical IPs and GUIDs were attempting to circumvent these bans under several other aliases. I agree with the previous quote about the rules, in all the evidence provided there was no evidence of foul play. This goes for the ~Quant~ as well. As stated in a forum post "A beginners Guide to Dayz Servers and Administration": "There are, however, ways of combating hackers without breaking the rules: Shut the server down IMMEDIATELY - This will most likely end up in a Hive rollback and any users who died will most likely get their gear back. THIS IS NOT FOOLPROOF. IT DOES NOT WORK ALL THE TIME. Social Engineering - Befriend the hacker. Get them on your side. Do your research. Look on Hack sites. Sign up for forums and learn how they hack. Don't sit on the DayZ Forums and gripe about how hackers are a huge problem and there's nothing that we can do about them. We can DO WHAT WE CAN because WE MUST. more to come! " This thread was posted, and pinned by The Forum administrator stating this is a valid defense against suspicious activity. If ~Quant~ believed this to be exploitation on his server, and was under the belief that this could adversely affect the enjoyment of the game in which they hosted, this is justified by the rules for Server Hosting. I will end it on a final note. As quoted by the publisher of the video: "But ultimately we're not sorry, we would do it again. Because its part the game, =), We don't mind counter attacks, we welcome it" I ask the makers of Dayz, is harassment part of the game and does the process of Server Reporting support this kind of behavior?
  11. Sqweebs

    US 3349 Hosted by Quant (admin abuse)

    I am no lawyer, I have no college experience, but this accusation is lacking real evidence, so I ask that these points be clarified. +Why was the only tent shown one that had no scripted equipment as described? +No direct proof was shown that the battleeye ban messege was from that server? Why wasn't it included in the video? +What's to prove that this "informant" existed. I understand privacy must be kept, but for the actual abuse accusation, his testimony is key. This further asks the question how did you actually find it? +Is it wrong for players to horde vehicles? Even if it may be an admin? Whats to stop anyone from just finding it and taking it from them? +Use of satchel charges? Destroy evidence key to your arguement before documentation? Strange. Not only once, but four times you did this, and none of this equipment was documented? For someone who claimed to be doing us justice and "planned" this event, this didn't cross your mind? +Why wasn't the names of the accused taken with the server name included? Such as holding the "i" button to prove direct association? +Whats to prove this Scurvynuts was actually him. A problem exists within the program that one can change their name while keeping the Guid the same, creating the ability to mask one's identity? This would cause the player ranking to show multiple scurvy characters? +Why was the equipment used by the four other personnel not also documented to prove the equipment used was also legitimate? +It was also stated that the server was reset multiple times? Other than heresay where is the direct evidence for this? 10. As a server admin: You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members. (no evidence presented) You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your(you're) killed. (no evidence presented) You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle. (no direct evidence presented) You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits, you need solid evidence, IE logs. (n/a) +Finally, I ask this directly to the Global Forum Moderator. With the large gaps in this arguement you were quick to decide this case "approved" even stating that, "But beware those screenshots could easily be of another server, before X or Y happened." What is the basis of this confirmation when no real direct evidence was presented?