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jatobi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jatobi (DayZ)

  1. jatobi (DayZ)

    My Videos

    Videos from DayZ that myself and a friend record. Mine are mostly kill shots, his are a lot longer. http://www.youtube.com/user/MrJatobi http://www.youtube.com/user/InfiniteGrim I name my kills...if I can that is....sometimes they alt f4, sometimes other people die at the same time. So.....if you die in the video let us know :).
  2. jatobi (DayZ)

    My Videos

    Update, new videos on both channels. Also, my Practice Range I made for checking out weapons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQXLK80uFI0&feature=plcp
  3. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    Yes, you do need antiviral medications to fight virus infections. However, being that antibiotics are already in game, we can look over the whole antibiotics/antivirals for sake of simplicity. Unless the devs want to create a new item and make them antiviral, which would be awesome :).
  4. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    You guys should start talking about this if you want something like this featured. I know there are a lot more people who want something along these lines. Speak up!
  5. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    keep discussing!
  6. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    Ever heard of mad cow disease, or bird flu? =P Animals can and have contracted viruses that negatively effect humans yet have little or no effect on the animal itself, search google, you'll find them. Please note that I am not saying that an animal can catch any virus out there and then transmit that virus to a human. Animals can be hosts for a number of things and never get harmed from it. Most times it mutates within the host and becomes something totally different, and while may not be fatal, cause some harm to another species when they consume the infected host. If we are going to assume it's a virus that infects people, lets assume it's something like Solanum. "Solanum is fatal to all living creatures, regardless of size, species, or ecosystem." which means any animal could be a host. Though it will mutate and not be the exact same thing when it is consumed. "Ingestion of infected flesh (provided the person has no open mouth sores) does not cause infection, but rather, permanent death. Infected flesh is found to be highly toxic."
  7. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    Figured more people would be into this lol.
  8. jatobi (DayZ)

    M14 Sniper Rifle and Bear Traps

    Apparently you don't know about ArmA 2's ballistics platform. Effective range is the maximum range the bullet travels at effective, accurate distance. Things called bullet drop? Yeah, 400m is about all you'll get before bullet drop makes your shots nearly impossible. Effective range takes everything into account, distance, bullet drop, velocity, etc. Most times, however, when someone says the effective range of a weapon, they are talking about how far you can shoot a target accurately at a constant rate, not a one in a million lucky shot. The M14 is maxed at 400m, anymore you have to really know how the weapon works (a lot of use, a lot of practice) or get extremely lucky. Just sayin.
  9. jatobi (DayZ)

    M14 Sniper Rifle and Bear Traps

    The M14 isn't a sniper rifle in DayZ or ArmA 2. It's a rifle. It's a rifle equiped with an aimpoint to be used in medium range. The M14 is zeroed at 400m and that's about all it's good for. The M14 isn't intended to be used in close quarters, but it can be given the aimpoint. It's best used for 150~400m shots, takes generall 1 to 2 hits to kill a player target. If you want a sniper rifle, pick up any with a real scope. CZ550 (easily able to engage at 900m, knock out in 1 hit) One of the 50's, they are both single hit kills, but I find the AS50 to have higher accuracy and a LOT less noise. A M24, still a nice weapon, takes 2 hits to kill. SVD: Can't vouch for it in DayZ as the only one I found had no ammo and I only found ammo for it a month after finding it. However, imo, the SVD has the best scope for zeroing and engaging targets up to 1km without a range finder. I've used it in ArmA 2 andcan easily engage targets with the PSO way easier than any other weapon WITHOUT a range finder. DMR, the ideal sniper rifle for someone who plays at night a lot. DMR + NVG is where it's at. The DMR can engage up to 600m easily, you can reach out to 900 but it's extremely difficult. Plus it's the one "Sniper Rifle" you can use NVG with. I'm currently rocking the AS50, and have been having fun with it. IMO, with the way night time is currently, there is no need for NVG and thus effectively allowing me to snipe without NVG.
  10. Except from everything I've seen they didn't really make their own "mod" but used other peoples mods and ideas on a server.
  11. It is illegal to charge people money to join your server. You can ask for donations, but to force people into paying to join your server to play your so called "mod," which is nothing but a combination of other mods that you never made yourself, and an idea from someone else.....yeah, not legal brah. You are most definitely allowed to put whitelists on your server. Forcing people to pay to play on the server is not allowed. Asking for donations is.
  12. You know, you're right. Rocket AND Notch should sue them.
  13. I've got some beef with this MineZ crap already: Charging people $25 to play on the server running it. Regardless of it being a "donation" and regardless of how long, you charged people $25 to play a "mod" you technically did not write yourself (using other mods?) and using the idea of someone like Rocket. You did not come up with this idea and are profiting off it, yet Rocket is not. And before you say you don't force anyone to donate....you weren't letting people into the server until they donated AT LEAST $25. Rocket should sue the shit out of you lol.
  14. We have, or rather had, a guy vanishing and in his place a weapons crate spawn. We are in the process of uploading the video of the crate itself, but we don't have tags on so no ID on the person. We're in the process of working through the logs to see if we find anything regarding the cargo.sqf people have been talking about. Will post the video here once it's finished uploading.
  15. jatobi (DayZ)

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    While I agree we should get rid of the out of bounds shit, I think first your priority should be to remove the damn hacks. If it weren't for the ESP hacks, we wouldn't have to go hide outside of the "boundary" would we? No offense what so ever, but I think you guys have your priorities mixed. Get rid of the hacking, then get rid of the tents/vehicles outside. Without the ESP hack, people don't have to go through great lengths to hide shit outside the map.
  16. jatobi (DayZ)

    Character wiped

    Just happened to me. Logged out last night together with my group, got on today and I spawned on the coast in Electro. Thinking it's a bug, I go to relog. Now I'm at random locations around the coast with no gear no nothing. 1.5 month old character -_- fully decked out. Fucking DDOS shit on hive fucked us.
  17. jatobi (DayZ)

    Hacking like a Mofo

    Care to explain what your exe did? What files did it cross reference to get the GUID? You were checking the other files for their items and location, but I don't see where they gives their GUID. I'm trying to find someone who is teleporting on our server, need to know how to cross reference those files to figure out the GUID....you apparently was able to.
  18. jatobi (DayZ)

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    And? =P. We have 15~ people we play with. We need plenty of vehicles!
  19. jatobi (DayZ)

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    But was your items on the ground? We had 7 vehicles slam packed with loot. All vehicles gone, all loot piled where each vehicle was lol. This is just weird.
  20. jatobi (DayZ)

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    What Grim said....doesn't make sense lol.
  21. jatobi (DayZ)

    What are MAN icons on the map?

    it means a man....unidentified. Could be a person, could be a zed. If it's not identified, it shows up as man. If it's identified, a zed will show "civilian" or a military type unit. A player will show as "survivor" "sniper" and maybe 1 other based on the camo clothing. That means you have to look at them and identify them before they show on the map as what they are. Only works on servers that have it enabled also.
  22. jatobi (DayZ)

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    So....had 7 vehicles all together parked. Had loot, a lot of loot, in every single one. Vehicles are magically missing. Loot all on the ground where each vehicle was parked. Bug? Or did someone troll the hell out of us? If so.....awesome job on the trolling....had to have taken hours to unloot all that crap lol.
  23. We have sent in numerous mails via the contact us form regarding something we need help with. We have yet to hear anything back. How long does it usually take to get a response? We have people potentially radar hacking, or using something that allows them to see everything on a map from the lobby, and before you ask, yes there is such a thing. We are unable to "prove" it due to it being quite obvious that we cannot provide you a screenshot of their screen showing the radar hack or w/e it is that they're using. Hence: Why we need the devs or someone capable of reading logs to help us.