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jatobi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jatobi (DayZ)

  1. jatobi (DayZ)

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    This has been for at least 3 patches now. Not entirely sure what is causing it, but at first I thought it was simply a screw up in the beta patches....until tonight. I've been an ArmA player since OFP, OFP > ArmA > ArmA2...so I still do play ArmA2 without DayZ on occassion. I created a map for my guys to use to practice on, setting up targets and what not, so they could see bullet drop and what not in ArmA 2. I put in a script that gave the ammo boxes "all weapons" so we could use whatever we wanted. I'm not entirely sure which patch it was, I'll have to look it up and confirm, but it's been 3 patches now. Rocket launchers simply do not work with DayZ enabled. When you pull one out, it keeps your main weapon in hand and shows you having the launcher, such as the M136, as the selected weapon (top right ammo) and gives you the crosshair for the launcher. You fire it, you hear the launcher go off, no round goes and no explosion, it's just a sound. Like I said, I noticed it for a while now but never bothered to figure it out because well, we play DayZ mostly, didn't really need to bother with it....until tonight. Found an M136 with 2 rockets. Decide to test and see if maybe it will work.... Launch a rocket at the ATC and nothing, just the sound, just like in the editor. So I got to thinking, is this the ArmA beta patch, or is it DayZ? I go and disable the beta patch and DayZ altogether and launch the game: Launchers work. I go into the game using the latest beta patch, but no DayZ: Launchers work. Launch the game as normal, latest beta patch and DayZ: Launchers do not work. So: DayZ = broken rocket launchers, all of them. Not sure what's causing it, and if it's intentional. I highly doubt it is intentional because well, if it was, would we be getting M136 spawns? Anyone can feel free to duplicate the bug. Launch the game running DayZ and go into the editor. Put down a player, and throw down a launchers box. After you put down a unit with Player selected (no non-playable or playable, PLAYER) you can then select "Empty" as the side option (BLUFOR, OPFOR, CIVILIAN, etc. EMPTY). Under Empty, you can select Ammo, and then select a side, such as US Army Launchers, and put it down. With DayZ enabled, you will be unable to use the rocket launchers. They won't blow anything up and it's only sound. With DayZ disabled, they work as intended. TLDR: Please fix the code thats broken preventing rocket launchers from working properly...ie: Found an M136 and would like to blow someone up :D. ETA: Will post a youtube showing the M136 in action against the ATC....which didn't work lol. Waiting on a huge 50gb video to finish uploading. Damn hour long videos >_<.
  2. jatobi (DayZ)

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    *bows down*
  3. jatobi (DayZ)

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I don't really care who I told to kindly fuck themselves. There's too many self entitled kids on this site. It's all about me me me. They don't seem to care about the hackers. They only want something done when it happens to them, and then they get pissed off and complain. Then the DayZ staff does nothing to help. Cheat report threads never get moderated (I've sent him SEVERAL), server report threads none of which were moderated, even sent Legacy several pm's about them, nothing has changed, still unmoderated. The fact is, if you got banned, you got caught. Logs don't lie. Plain and simple. Anyone at any point can post any of their "suggestions" on the forums regarding what we do to the suspected cheaters. They don't matter. Only one person has that authority and only one person makes that decision, and he does so with proof from the logs. Several of our own members were banned in this process because of these hackers spoofing our own members GUID and getting caught and then getting banned. Do you think they are still banned? The person that posted this thread is a brand new account. Hmmm imagine that? This person also knew who ran the server, which no one does because we don't attach anything to it to show so, imagine that. Ever think, this is a troll trying to start shit? Ever think this is a known hacker that legitimately got banned and is now pissed? Does anyone ever really look at join dates anymore? Sorry, but if you have a new join date and the only posts you have on these forums is (THIS THREAD), I really don't take what you have to say with any weight. If you want people to believe you, be part of the community, random people are shrugged off as trolls.
  4. jatobi (DayZ)

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Which is what he's doing. Now please, kindly go fuck yourself :). Too many self entitled kids on this forum. Just proves how little you really know.
  5. jatobi (DayZ)

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Ped, you are both a moron and an idiot at the same time. No proceedings have been approved. This forum is a moderated forum, when Legacy said "Approved" he was talking about the thread being approved for view on this forum. Legacy also has no say so whether or not a "blacklist proceedings" goes forward or not, he is a forum moderator/admin, not a DayZ staff member.
  6. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    Did a quick search for infected animals and showed nothing, if this was already suggested, so be it, ignore this and yeah. Infected Animals We know humans can be infected, but what about the animals? Let's say they can, yet don't display the same symptoms, side effects, and decay as a human does. Let's say that when an animal comes in contact with the virus, it has a chance to become infected. When it becomes infected, the virus is transformed due to the genetics of the animal. Since this virus is mainly a "human" virus, it does not effect the animals the same way it does humans. The alteration of the virus within the animal makes the animal sick, sometimes deathly, and it can be transferred to humans through consumption. As it stands right now, a person can go into the wild with the right tools and never bother with the towns/cities again. This leaves the "infected" threat mostly zero. Which leaves the only real threat "other players." Rocket has stressed that this is about survival. This isn't about killing other players or the infected, it's about surviving. He has hinted that he would like to introduce environmental variables such as animals that attack you in the wilderness. This leads one to believe he wants some form of danger outside of the towns/cities, and into the safety of the wild. With infected animals (any that you can gut for meat) you get a variable that isn't insanely dangerous, but isn't fool proof either. Adding to the survival aspect, forcing players sometimes to go into towns or cities in search for remedies. Meat When you kill and gut an animal, you get meat. You cook said meat in order to survive off the land out away from the danger in the safety of the woods. The above states that animals contract the virus and alters it within their bodies to transform it into another type of virus, something that won't turn you into an infected person, but make you very ill, sometimes fatally. That then directly translates into the meat you harvest off of the animal to also be infected. Eating infected meat would result in what? Illness. Consumption of Meat When you consume a piece of cooked meat, you have a random chance to contract the virus the animal was carrying. What random chance is to be determined, but something not so uncommon that it never happens, but not something that you will constantly be sick either. When you consume this random "infected" piece of meat, you get a random chance to contract this virus the animal had. Let's say, for the sake of an idea, there are 3 different versions you could contract. Simple stomach virus, get sick and it passes over "x" minutes, get shakes like you have shock to simulate pain every so often, not constantly. Okay, the simple stomach ache never went away, it's getting worse. Shaking constantly. I'm going to die. Passing out randomly, blood loss (little, not so much you won't be able to go find help or get medicine), and constant shaking. Remedies As we already have painkillers, morphine, and antibiotics, we already have a means to get rid of the virus. As of right now, the only use for antibiotics are colds, or something along those lines. Take painkillers to get rid of the shakes and calm your character down so you can get to safety, and get the next needed item, antibiotics. Antibiotics take care of the symptoms completely, but any blood loss must be restored only with a blood bag. (Subject to change) TLDR Animals contract the same virus infected humans do. Due to the genetic makeup of the animals, the virus is twisted and transformed into a less lethal, non-zombie virus. It is capable of infecting players by consumption of meat at a random chance. The penalties of the virus when consumed are random as stated above to some degree of lethality. It adds danger to the wilderness. Forces players to stock up on medical supplies. Forces players out of the wilderness at some degree to get said medical supplies.
  7. jatobi (DayZ)

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    If you got banned from the server, you got caught scripting shit in. When people hack on the server they start kicking people who aren't on TS until the hacking stops. When the hacking stops we pretty much have a good idea who it was hacking, then checking the logs confirms it. You don't get banned for no reason. I also like how my server report threads are never moderated.
  8. I know there is a bug regarding the Bicycle and Dirt bikes that when you jump off and get back on it repairs whatever damage. However, I have NEVER seen this happen to any other vehicles. So my question to you all is this....are they now hacking to repair vehicles instantly? Have had several helos repaired instantly right in front of me from 100% damage to all parts after we shot them down. However, any attempts to replicate this "instant repairing" by entering and exiting has failed to produce anything. So I'm suspecting people are hacking and repairing it some how. Thoughts? Have you seen this? Can you reproduce it?
  9. jatobi (DayZ)

    Hackers instant repairing now?

    Except I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a single person getting into the helo and it's fine. No repair options, no parts, nothing. They just get in and it's repaired. However, prior to this, we tried numerous times to replicate it (because this person says it repairs itself). Only repairs itself when he gets into it.
  10. jatobi (DayZ)

    Hackers instant repairing now?

    We have tried to replicate it numerous times and it doesn't work. As to why they would repair it instead of spawning a new one.... Have you ever thought they don't want those around them knowing they were hacking? Isn't it a lot easier to hide that "Oh it just repaired itself...hmm bug?" than "Look I just spawned us a new helo!!!!"
  11. Which is exactly why illiterate children who have not graduated High School should not rent and operate DayZ servers using their parents credit cards. This is a ramptant problem and I hope you, and server admins like you, get blacklisted for life :).
  12. Any "proof" he provides via logs = .txt documents that can be easily doctored to show whatever you want. Logs that will "prove" they were hacking are RPT files which are very difficult to go through if you don't know what you're doing. Which, again, can be doctored and shown as such. The Dayz Staff will log into your server admin page and look at them themselves if they want "proof." However, you've so far provided absolutely nothing regarding "proof" that could in any way support your accusations. Which means.....*drum roll* You're full of shit. I'm pretty sure they are using TS, and I'm also pretty sure if they ARE using TS they have no need to type. Considering most servers have chat disabled, most people DO use some kind of voice communication software. So again....why would they type? The evidence is mounting against you. Reason being: Multiple people have called you on it.
  13. You know what's funny? We take your shit. You cry. You talk about "real life" and how people are "nerds." Yet you're playing a video game. Yet you're posting pictures trying to "prove" something....dude google is awesome you can find pictures and claim its yours at any time. UMad Bro? But hey.....I'm enjoying ruining your game :).
  14. jatobi (DayZ)

    I have seen the Gates of Hell!

    The following contains graphic content that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer Discretion Is Advised. The Gates of Hell were open in DayZ. In reality, someone crashed their newly aquired chopper.
  15. jatobi (DayZ)

    I have seen the Gates of Hell!

    I'll upload another one showing the flames from a distance. lol it's awesome to say the least.
  16. jatobi (DayZ)

    Best snipers?

    I think "all" the sniper rifles have a built in range finder....they're called mil-dots. And yes, you can find the range of a target by using mil-dots.
  17. jatobi (DayZ)

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    Bumping for more support!
  18. Vipeax, please verify, the helo will not be re-implemented until after the hive has been forced to the newest version? Does this mean tomorrow, the day after, or a patch thereafter? ETA: You just answered.
  19. jatobi (DayZ)

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    And the video showing it.
  20. jatobi (DayZ)

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    bumping because I want to shoot my rocket!
  21. jatobi (DayZ)

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    It isn't just DayZ, if you have the game launched with DayZ enabled, it effects ArmA gameplay as well.
  22. I suppose you're also able to cover the entire map, being that it's 15km long and 15km wide, and all the area inbetween, in less than an hours play too? Because....last time I checked....it took roughly 25 to 30 minutes to run a straight line from coast to edge of the map. Having to "look" for tents would take longer. So effectively, to find 2/3 of camps in under an hour is yeah...you're cheating :). No one is "that" lucky. You can't travel that fast brah!
  23. jatobi (DayZ)

    Orange Icon on map labelled "Man"

    Any time there is any orange icon like that, it can say Man, Sniper, anything, it's UNCONFIRMED. What that means is you have not seen it yet. It only happens on servers with the map radar on. All it means is the Player, Zombie, or whatever, has not been seen by you and confirmed. Once you go look at it, you will see it turn into w/e it is, civilian for zombie, survivor or sniper or whatever based on their skin for a player.
  24. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    Don't bring back the nightmares I had from a certain Resident Evil hallway.
  25. jatobi (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    Bumping for discussion.