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Everything posted by battleWarden

  1. Hello Community, being the first RCon tool that has ever been created for DayZ & ArmA, battleWarden is used by thousands of people word-wide and enjoys a high reputation among DayZ and ArmA administrators today. It revolutionized game administration for BI titles and also massively influenced other rcon tools available. What really makes battleWarden so special is that it comes with an integrated scripting language which can be used together with custom triggers. This enables you to take full control over your server and makes battleWarden even more powerful than BEC. If you really want to do serious & professional server administration, start using battleWarden today and be part of a large fanbase! Your support counts! Homepage: https://battleWarden.net Fan- & Support-Page: https://www.facebook.com/solicusoftware Online User Manual: https://battlewarden.net/usermanual/ Video Tutorials: https://battlewarden.net/support/video-tutorials Features at a glance (battleWarden): full support of DayZ, ArmA 2 and ArmA 3 game servers with BattlEye enabled own proprietary, fully functional BattlEye client engine being more robust and faster than any other available clients (infact, battleWarden was the very first RCon tool for DayZ) no runtime environments required (such as .NET), compiled to native machine code making it super fast intuitive, modern and fully DPI aware graphical user interface full Unicode support built-in server manager kicking and banning functionality local player database (SQLite) to keep a record of what is going on on your servers ingame chat suppport Support of administrator names server logs (part of battleWarden:Spy) [NEW] custom actions & triggers [NEW] scripting Interface for advanced tasks [NEW] integrated online updater to keep you up-to-date [NEW] comes with an extensive user manual Full feature list: https://battlewarden.net/features/ This thread can be considered to be the official place for update news, handy tips and bug reports.
  2. Hey Day Z Community, as recently announced in the BI forums I have started a new project called battleWarden which is a highly flexible toolset for Battleye. See http://battleWarden.net for detailed information. The old ArmA 2 RCon (GUI) being considered as the most advanced and stable remote control tool for ArmA 2 servers is part of battleWarden as from now. There are also plans to add more tools to the set in order to make the lives of Day Z server admins easier. Components of battleWarden: battleWarden:RCon Features (battleWarden:RCon): Easy to use server manager Local player database with SQLite support Ingame chat suppport Comprehensive ban support GameSpy 2 integration Fully compatible BE client Screenshots: http://battlewarden.net/screenshots/ Download: http://battlewarden.net/downloads/
  3. battleWarden

    battleWarden.net - RCon stuff and more!

    Sorry but there is no relation between loading the ban list and the [ban-List has been reloaded.] message. So your log does not show whether you hit the large load button at the bottom of the bans tab or not.
  4. battleWarden

    battleWarden.net - RCon stuff and more!

    Ahh, welI...I guess you did not notice the "Load" button on the bans tab. Click it and you should be able to receive your list. Reloading the list is not necessary as the tool is doing this automatically.
  5. battleWarden

    battleWarden.net - RCon stuff and more!

    @maddyn99: Sorry that it did not work for you. What exactly is happening when you try to load the ban list? I am able to load lists from various servers with thousands of bans. As to the reconnect issue I have no idea what it is caused by. Is there a lot of traffic on your server? @Frop: Yes, you are right. It seems a bit confusing and I will clarify this with the next release.Thanks for your interest, much appreciated. @DomiStyle: Um...I have already stated before what that means and it is a bit strange that we are arguing about the name here as nobody in the BI forums seems to care about it.
  6. battleWarden

    battleWarden.net - RCon stuff and more!

    No, not really. As already mentioned in the BI forums there are plans to add more external standalone components/tools to battleWarden and the future versions of the rcon tool will support interfaces enabling you to link them together. So it's more than just renaming.