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The Last One

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About The Last One

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    On the Coast
  1. The Last One


    Well, I'm walking around in game and I noticed something, my guy limps like someone just cut off his foot! Seriously, I love this mode but the movement is messed up, when you walk and look down your sights at the same time the gun moves so much I though my character had the DT shakes or something, and it's even worse when you crouch walk. What I'm saying is that your character's arms move too much when you are moving, go ahead and try it in real life if you don't believe me, play the game for a bit, then look down your sights and walk forward, then get up, point your finger like a gun and walk forward in real life, like you would if you were looking down the sights, you will see the difference, even in idle, when you aren't moving the barrel shakes like hell. Anyway, as for the walking in general, why does my character limp when I move in crouched mode, and why do you move so slowly when walking or moving while crouched. Again, I like the mod it's awesome but I just wanted to try and bring my problem with the movements in the game to everyones attention, it just frustrates me so much.
  2. I haven't actually played the game yet (I'm downloading ARMA 2 and it's expansion now) but I would like to make a suggestion that maybe adding forms of clothing to the map would be a good way to help people maintain their body temp, getting cold? put on that nice warm coat you found in a building earlier, raining? put on that cool rain coat you found lying around etc. etc. etc Tell me what you guys think about my idea