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Posts posted by quobble

  1. I will post some screenshots from the location where ponds and small streams are. 

    (Streams are atm little ponds in a row with pieces of dirt inbetween, from upper higher terrain a few meters lower)

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I really would love to have one or two bigger rivers in the map. but thats kinda problematic since there can only be flat water in arma engines.

    "steep" water from up a hill to down into a lake or the sea is not possible so far.


    (i think they could add textures, but then they wouldnt have any physics or interaction capacities).


    maybe later :)






    man, just because stuff is being said on Reddit it doesnt mean they are true ;)

    its like proofing 1+1 = 2 because potato.



  3. as said before. 22 rounds dont have enough stopping force. they are fine for small animals and for sports purposes.

    i would not rely on a 22 weapon if someone sneaks inside my house in the middle of the night.


    id rather have something bigger for that.

    although i kinda would like to see them ingame.


    (and no, 22 are not really commong in european homes. you cant just own a gun here. (in Chezh you can, but since the gun law is kinda easy going there, people buy somewhat bigger than 22. -> sports clubs use them although)

  4. I have to say Rocket....


    When i read your reddit about adding this system in to the game i thought it was a stupid idea then... after playing the game for 48 hours i have confirmed that it was a stupid idea and i was right all along.


    At best id hoped it was a later stage change that wouldnt affect the alpha but out of all the cool parts of the mod that you could have added such as vehicles, hunting and camps.... noooo you had to add this shit first.


    After spending 2 days collecting all my stuff i get shot once or twice and manage to get away without to much damage. i then go to fire my weapon and click click... its broken and name is red in top corner. I pull out my Pistol and Click click... thats dead too.... and my Magnum??? You guessed it... Its fucked too!.


    Oh and both my jacket and vest and back pack and 90% of stuff inside is ruined also!.


    Oh and basically PVP is dead now because looting people is pointless because all their shit is ruined too. its basically just murder for fun... I shot someone in the head and all his gear was ruined too.... 


    This game has become a chore to play. Its not fun when you log out with a perfectly working Mosin and log back into to find it no longer fires... (my friend) Seriously whats the point... The gun is now useless. Total BS. There are WW2 guns that work perfectly after 60 years and seen combat many times. A jacket is not ruined by a bullet hole!


    Oh and dont get me started on blood types ffs. 


    Rant over.

    just dont get shot.

  5. 1. Remove bullet if easily accesible. If not skip this step.

    2. Disinfect wound.

    3. Stop bleeding.

    4. Bandage.

    5. Increase the victims bloodpressure with salt-water infusions.



    Every 10 y/o can do it. If he really wants to that is. But try flying a helo w/o extensive training... you won't even get the engine started.

    oh. you just "stop the bleeding" huh?

    tell me more all mighty medical wizard -.-

  6. Who's disrespecting the devs ?


    The problem is not the devs, they do what they can with the level of allocated resources.

    The problem is up them, the program manager or the dude above him...


    Last call was 750K+ copies * 24€/$ - (steam charges) = lot of money.


    And dont talk about Christmas and new years. Any people work these days if you pay them well..

    Even dayz streamers do work during this time.


    The dev team need serious means, because as it is, someone gave them amateurish resources level when they needed serious means to reach expected goals.

    Someone is banking so much that it is impacting the seriousness of Dayz SA development.

    you have absolutley no vision on what the Devs are doing.

    dont judge them, you are not in the position to do that.


    be patient or leave DayZ until the full release. 



  7. New member/first post, here!


    So I was just playing some DayZ SA before work this morning.  I happened to come across 2 new (to me) items.  One was a really crappy sight for the machine gun.  It was just metal, and looked like 2 pieces of metal at a right angle.  That was neat, it seemed more useful than the default "handle" type sight.


    The other item I found was a WALKIE TALKIE!  That is exciting.  I couldn't hold it in my hand, but I assume we'll be able to eventually.  How do you think it'll work?  Will you and your friend need walkie talkies and then you can talk to each other from across the map?  Do you think other players with walkie talkies will be able to tune into your station and spy on your conversations?


    Sorry if this has already been mentioned / discussed, but I didn't see any topics about walkie talkies.

    screenshots please.
