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Posts posted by quobble

  1. I was at Balota airfield and saw a guy running. I looted the baracks, found an M4 and took it with me.

    The guy had an M4 and was hiding from me in the Air Control Tower.


    I told him to get out with his guns dropped, or I would have to shoot him.


    He said something like "oh no".


    After around 10 seconds he came slowly down the stairs with his M4 in his arms, pointing at me.

    I panicked fired 5 shots at his chest, killing him instantly.


    Later when I checked what items he had, I found out that all his stuff except for his helmet and shades were busted. 

    He only had one bullet in his chamber...



  2. It is not important to have an indicator for you to know what name the other player has that is close to you.




    If you play with friends you are probably in TS oder Skype etc.



    If you are alone and meet another person and talk with him or her over direct voip, you wont can ask him or her for a name.

    You look at the player and you will keep in mind how he or she looks like, so you wont kill that person by accident later.

    Also always tell each other where you go and what you will do next, so you wont lose each other in dangerous situations.



    If you see another player from far away, you either know its your friend (because you are on TS etc.) or you dont know him.

    In the situation that you dont know him, you dont need to know names, because you either want to kill him, meet with him, or be neutral and avoid him.

    In case you want to meet him, read point 2.



    Lets asume you are traveling with a friend over TS and you meet a hostile guy that has a melee weapon.

    He attacks your friend and you have to help your buddy.

    You probably will know who is who because you know how your friend looks like.

    If you dont know how your friend looks like, you might need to reconsider your ingame behavior.

    ALWAYS keep your buddies clothings and stuff they carry in mind.


    Name tags were a big part of the DayZ mod. I know. 

    Many servers had them, but lets be true:

    It ruined the feeling.

    I played DayZ a lot and never needed tags.


    Maybe later, when they add private hive servers (what I guess will happen), there might be the possibility to add features that dont exist on normal servers.


    I could add much more why its not good to add tags and other game breaking functions, but Ill wait for a response to my shitty written text first.



  3. I wish i had that amount of money to buy VBS.


    Holy cow its alot of pound notes!



    Yea :D but usually an Army gets the money from the government. So they dont have to care about the price if they want to train their units with simulators.

    In the long term, its cheaper to buy once good software than buying necessary items for real training. (which they still do)

  4. Hello fellow survivors!

    I asked it a few times on Twitter, but didnt get a response yet, so Ill post this here too.

    Searching forums and Youtube I found a video about the Bohemia Interactive project "VBS2".


    For those who dont know what "VBS2" is:



    I watched some information videos about it and found a really nice tutorial, how map makers can add underground structures, such as sewer systems, bunkers, trenches and more.


    Currently in Arma 2 and so also DayZ Mod, map makers have to terrain edit their maps and put normal buildings (houses, rooms, above-surface bunkers etc.) into holes which they dug into the ground with editing tools.


    Thats when the "VBS2" systems kicks in:


    Since their games are usually based on the same engine type, it might be possible that we get those cool structures into the DayZ Standalone too!

    I would really like to see buildings with basements, underground parts of military complexes or just casual sewers inside the city, adding a big new layer of the map to the already beautiful Chernarus.


    Greetings from Germany,





    • Like 4

  5. Hello guys!

    I found some information and interesting stuff that might point the relase date for the long awaited DayZ Stand Alone into the direction of the next week/s.


    First of all Rocket almost said something that was sort of interesting to hear:



    Also a friend of mine found many many DayZ servers on Gametracker. They all are about 50 players large, have zero players on them and are from all over the world.

    There are constantly new servers popping up.

    It feels almost like they prepare for something...D-Day is close people.




    I hope you make up your own mind about this, maybe they are signs...






  6. Hello community

    I was playing some DayZ today and felt like beans and noodles are not healthy over a long time.

    Then I stumbled upon a field that looked like a farmer made it farmable.

    So I thought, why dont they put eatable plants and fruits into the game?

    I know DayZ takes place a few years after human structure broke down and so no farmers would keep their farms etc. But maybe WILD plants are still giving you food and producing fruits.

    You could wander around the forest and find berries and maybe roots.

    What do you people think?


  7. 1: Great idea

    2: Your drawn rivers are going uphill

    3: Rivers dont just STOP somewhere. Either a delta, swamp, lake, dam or the ocean is needed.

    4: We need the rivers, so boat traffic will rise

    5: Rivers will be cool for bandits to camp

    6: @all the people that say devs cant add rivers because they need to be at sea level -> your wrong. look at panthera.

    7: Maybe the water flow will be a problem. Dont know if floading water exists in the Arma engine

  8. Friends and me found a hacker, actually the hacker found us:

    Server: DE 1468

    Name: TheJester

    Time: 10-11 AM

    Timezone: GMT+1

    What happened:

    We were on Zub castle, when a hacker teleported to us in the tower. He said that he had scatchel charges on the tower, that he would blow us up when we would try to kill him.

    He came up the tower and had an AS50 pointing at me, so i got scared and started shooting my M14 Aim at him. Like 10 rounds in chest + head.

    He didnt die.

    After that TheJester turned around and shot me with his gun. I was dead in a second.

    The hacker asked me to teleport me back to my body.

    A mintue later, after I rejoined the server, he teleported me and my friend back to the castle.

    We were allowed to take our loot back.

    We have a video proof, that he types in the chat, that he can teleport people.

    Thank you for reading my post. Sorry for the childish short sentences, im in a bad hurry atm.

    Video Link:

    Greetings form Germany


    ps: hope I wont get punished for picking up my loto again
